Help the needy this holiday season
According to the Maui Food Bank, the hungry need your help this holiday season.
This vital charity asks residents, businesses, churches, schools and community groups to rally and hold Holiday Food Drives from now through Dec. 31.
“Your partnership with the Maui Food Bank will help provide food for over 10,000 people in our island ohana per month,” the group noted on its website.
The top seven most-needed items this year are financial contributions, canned meat and tuna, canned fruits and vegetables, canned meals and soups with protein, cereal, rice and pasta.
Maui Food Bank’s mission is to help the hungry in Maui County by collecting and distributing food through community partnerships.
With effects of the economic recession still felt in the community, hunger is a real problem.
According to MFB, one out of five children on Maui goes to bed hungry.
“Someone you know is struggling with hunger. More families and individuals living in Maui County are being affected by the recession and the current rise in unemployment,” Maui Food Bank noted.
“The Maui Food Bank is reaching out to those newly affected by hunger through over 100 partner agencies and programs. It will take our entire island ohana working together to solve the hunger problem we are facing in Maui County.”
For more information, call the Maui Food Bank at 243-9500 or visit
Remember the needy this holiday season. Maui Food Bank, Feed My Sheep and other charities need donations to help end hunger in our island community.