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Help the Napili Kai Foundation enlighten Maui children

By Staff | Oct 3, 2013

For 46 years, the Napili Kai Foundation (NKF) has offered free instruction to keiki ages 6-18 to accomplish its important mission: “To perpetuate the cultural legacy of Hawaii through the children of Maui.”

The children perform weekly at Napili Kai Beach Resort, sharing the culture and aloha of Hawaii with residents and visitors.

NKF also awards higher education scholarships to its graduates and takes the children on meaningful trips.

In April, the young performers trekked across the Pacific to Washington State for a week of onstage cultural exchange at the fourth annual Aha Mele organized by the Washington State Hawaiian Civic Club at Chief Leschi Schools in Puyallup.

To support its next cultural trip, the 501(c)(3) nonprofit Napili Kai Foundation will hold a Travel Program Golf Tournament Fundraiser on Saturday, Oct. 19, at 7 a.m. at the Kapalua Bay Course.

The foundation seeks golfers at $125 per player, silent auction donors and hole sponsors ($150).

Tourney and door prizes will be awarded at a banquet at Napili Kai Beach Resort’s Aloha Pavilion right after the tournament.

For information on making a tax-deductible donation or signing up to play in the two-person scarmble event, contact tournament Chairman Johnathan Galarita at 280-9632 or jgalarita@yahoo.com.

Help the Napili Kai Foundation continue to bring West Maui children on trips they’ll remember for the rest of their lives.