Help LAC dress up Front Street for the holiday season
Decorating Front Street for the holiday season is a tradition in Lahaina.
For going on 12 years, LahainaTown Action Committee has hosted the Lighting of the Banyan Tree in early December. The Pioneer Inn and Wharf Cinema Center simultaneously light their properties, creating a beautiful, welcoming scene in the center of town into the new year.
And for 25 years, LAC has decorated Front Street with Christmas wreaths.
LahainaTown Action Committee recently informed the community that the present wreaths “have been in use for 25 years and must be replaced.”
Two of the founding members of LAC, Joan McKelvey of South Seas Trading Post and Connie Sutherland of The Whaler Ltd., are volunteers on a new group off and running to replenish the Front Street Christmas wreaths.
Lahaina businesses and members of the West Maui community are encouraged to pitch in and buy a wreath.
The cost of each wreath is $395, which includes tax and freight.
According to LahainaTown Action Committee, “donors will be recognized for the next 25 years.”
For information, call committee members McKelvey at 662-0131, Sutherland at 205-8086, Fran Mitsumura at 661-8886 or Donna Soares at 661-8748. For credit card purchases, call LAC at 667-9175.
It’s time to replace the old wreaths. Help LahainaTown Action Committee decorate Front Street for many holiday seasons to come.