Need help communicating with your children?
According to “Raising Resilient Teenagers” author Chris Hudson, “By far the most common issue that comes up when discussing teenagers with adults is that of communication.”
Parents want what’s best for their children, but they can run into communication snags by not listening, being too negative and fighting unnecessary battles.
Need help in your household? Lahainaluna High School, in cooperation with Ike Pono Quest, will hold a free Parent-Teen Communication Workshop on Thursday, April 25, from 6 to 8 p.m. in the Samuel Kamakau Library.
Topics to be covered include clear communication and expectations, keeping agreements, three ways of listening and much more.
According to Ike Pono Quest, “During this workshop, you can learn how to effectively communicate with your teen. Participants will gain tools to strengthen listening skills, set communication guidelines and create a mutual relationship based on love and respect.
“This workshop is not only geared toward parents of teens – all are welcome: parents of all children, teachers, business minds, anyone who would like to learn more about effective communication in any of your interpersonal relationships.”
Free child care will be available for keiki ages 4-12. For more information, contact Johnelle Conching at or 280-7468, or Lahainaluna PCNC Facilitator Martina Nagasako at or 662-3979, extension 320. To register, go to
Audrey from Makawao found the workshop valuable.
“I believe that communication skills are key in order to relate with our children. I am grateful for Johnelle’s willingness to share her knowledge and help to educate me. I gained valuable and positive insight by attending the workshop,” she said.