With donations, ‘Gotcha Store’ can reopen for students
Parents of keiki at Princess Nahi’ena’ena Elementary School contacted the paper last week. They seek help to supply the “Gotcha Store” at the school.
Children earn and receive “Gotcha Dollars” at Princess Nahi’ena’ena Elementary as rewards.
“The teachers and staff have given out these ‘Gotcha Dollars’ for many years, when the student behaves or performs well in class, or is helpful in some way,” a parent explained.
“The kids are so excited to trade them in at the ‘Gotcha Store’ for special small rewards! Some kids have collected and saved over eight and 20 ‘Gotchas.’
“They used to even be able to ‘buy’ boogie boards and snorkel sets… little erasers or pencils, or just plastic rings, little books. But no more! They say the store has been closed now for months! We think there is no money to buy the toys for the ‘Gotcha Store.’ “
They ask other parents and the community to donate small, fun items for the store – toys, gifts and trinkets for the kids to happily “buy” and enjoy for their good work.
“Please help our keiki with donations to the ‘Gotcha Store’ up at Princess Nahi’ena’ena and help support our proud keiki, the future of our Lahaina,” the parent concluded.