Help King Kamehameha III School celebrate its Centennial
King Kamehameha III Elementary School is now planning a celebration to commemorate its 100 years of education service to generations of West Maui residents.
Slated during the 2013-14 school year, festivities will include an Educational Kick-Off Assembly in September 2013, producing a commemorative T Shirt, the dedication of a King Kamehameha III statue in March 2014 and year-end celebration in May 2014.
Another goal is to install a framed portrait of Kauikeaouli (King Kamehameha III) in each classroom.
A king who ruled Hawaii from Lahaina during periods of his life, Kauikeaouli had a big impact on this state.
According to the Hawaii State Archives, “Kauikeaouli succeeded as King Kamehameha III upon the death of his brother, Kamehameha II. During his rule, the Hawaiian kingdom’s first Constitution was granted in 1840, the laws codified and the government reorganized into Executive, Judicial and Legislative branches. It was also at this time that the system of fee simple land ownership was established in Hawaii.”
Pat Akiyama, Paul Koyama, Steve Franz, Sammy Kadotani, ShaRon Fredy, DeAnn Kaina, Lorraine Gomez-Karinen, Claire Tillman, Leslie Hiraga, Brenda Wong and Lena Kanemitsu are helping to plan events in the school’s 100th Anniversary Committee.
“We want to make this a memorable event for our school and community, and it will take much planning and finances,” Tillman noted last week.
The committee is reaching out to alumni, former teachers and parents for any pictures, memorabilia or old yearbooks that could be used for a display.
For more information, to help financially, or to assist with the many projects tied to the celebration, contact Tillman at 281-8646 or 662-3955, extension 240, or e-mail claire_tillman@