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Buy a brick to support history restoration projects in Lahaina

By Staff | Dec 27, 2012

Time is running out on a special offer from Lahaina Restoration Foundation.

Residents and businesses have a chance to become part of history and enhance Lahaina’s Plantation Era exhibit that includes the Pioneer Mill Smokestack and the two original Pioneer Mill locomotives, Lahaina and Launiupoko, for today and future generations.

If the foundation didn’t step up and take on the huge job of restoring the crumbling smokestack, this Lahaina landmark and icon of the plantation era would be gone.

The same holds true for the Wo Hing Museum, Seaman’s Hospital and other historic sites in Lahaina.

LRF last week reported that the commemorative brick walkway at the Pioneer Mill Smokestack is now more than halfway complete, and its “buy one brick – get one free” special will expire on Dec. 31.

The brick walkway reads like a slice of Lahaina’s history with names of former mill workers, visitors to Maui, residents, businesses and even beloved pets.

The foundation’s special offer allows people to engrave two bricks, share the cost of an engraved brick or donate a free brick to someone else.

Brick prices are $125 for a standard-size brick (four inches by eight inches), $500 for an eight-inch by eight-inch brick and $750 for an eight-inch by eight-inch brick with logo or artwork.

All brick purchases are tax-deductible donations. LRF will provide receipts.

Everyone purchasing a brick through the end of the year is eligible to receive an additional free brick of the same size or smaller.

For more information, or to download a form, go to www.lahainarestoration.org, call the Lahaina Restoration Foundation office at 661-3262 or pick up a form at the Pioneer Mill Smokestack or the display at Lahaina Cannery Mall. Bricks may also be purchased on the website.

Help Lahaina Restoration Foundation preserve Lahaina’s rich history.