Light up the bus stop in Napilihau

What’s more dangerous than 50-plus kids standing along a busy roadway unsupervised?
Fifty kids waiting for the morning school bus in Napili in the dark – and in the rain – with no street light, shelter or supervision!
This is no joke!
The fiasco begins weekday mornings when the first student arrives a little after 6 a.m. at the corner of Kohi and Napiilihau streets.
This kid wants to be first in line.
The line grows, and the danger escalates as more keiki join the queue.
By 6:15 a.m., the youth are now hopping on and off the sidewalk and chasing each other into the street.
The glare of vehicle lights waiting at the busy intersection stop sign often blind the drivers turning onto Kohi Street, where the young people are now playing.
The situation is exacerbated by the dark green uniforms often worn by the King Kamehameha III Elementary School students.
You can barely see them as they congregate in front of the United Methodist Church in the shadow of the trees blocking the light from the street lamp three-quarters-of-a-block away.
Granted, the conditions are seasonal – with the sun rising earlier in the morning as the new year progresses into February and March – and it doesn’t always rain, but it only takes one driver and one young person to cause an accident.
And believe me, it’s a tragedy waiting to happen.
Why not, at least, light up the street?