Maui community to show aloha for Japan

The people of Japan need help in the aftermath of the devastating earthquake, tsunami and Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant disasters.
The Maui community will respond collectively next week Saturday, April 16, in “Aloha Iapana” (Aloha for Japan) from 4 to 10 p.m. at the Maui Arts & Cultural Center’s Alexander & Baldwin Amphitheater.
This benefit for Japan earthquake and tsunami relief through the efforts of the American Red Cross will feature a stellar lineup: Keali’i Reichel, Uncle Willie K, Napua Makua, Amy Hanaiali’i Gilliom, Mailani Makainai, Na Palapalai, Kaumakaiwa Kanaka’ole, Uluwehi Guerrero, Loma Lim and many more.
The show was conceived by Makua, who was planning to leave Hawaii for Japan when the destructive 9.0 earthquake struck on March 11.
“I was able to reach my haumana in Chiba, Japan, on Skype. They were crying, and I saw their tears and fear on their faces. I felt so hopeless,” Makua said.
“I needed to do something to help these people who have brought such love and aloha into my life. I reached out to the Hawaiian music community here on Maui — many of whom have beloved friends and relatives in Japan — and the outpouring of their remarkable support has been an inspiration to everyone involved with ‘Aloha Iapana.’ “
The American Red Cross will use event proceeds to support its disaster relief efforts. Donations can also be turned in at any Bank of Hawaii location for the “Aloha for Japan” fund or contribute via
Tickets are $25 in advance or $35 the day of the show; call 242-SHOW or visit
Like many people on Maui, Makua was personally affected and deeply moved by the horrific tragedy that befell the Japanese people. Send aloha and help to those suffering from the earthquake and tsunami.