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Unique training program slated in West Maui

By Staff | Sep 30, 2010

According to Women Helping Women (WHW), on average, there are more than 50 cases of domestic violence reported to police every month in West Maui.

Recognizing that this complex societal problem must impact West Maui businesses, WHW will offer an innovative training program here.

Nearly 80 of West Maui’s largest businesses received invitations to a first-of-its-kind employer training program to help them set workplace policies, know the law and understand the support available to victims of domestic violence. Those invited include general managers of hotels and restaurant and shopping center managers.

Today, Thursday, Sept. 30, is the registration deadline.

“We’re anticipating 45 registrants for this first session,” said Pema Gilman, WHW West Side coordinator and liaison to the West Maui Domestic Violence Task Force, which is sponsoring the training.

Domestic violence experts will discuss the signs of abuse, what to do and say, community resources available, how to reduce the cost of domestic violence and how to set in motion an effective workplace policy.

The program will feature a presentation from Women Helping Women Executive Director Stacey Moniz and a panel of experts in domestic violence, including Emlyn Higa of the county Office of the Prosecuting Attorney’s Domestic Violence Unit; Cindy Lee, victim witness counselor and domestic violence specialist with the Maui County Prosecutor’s Office; Pili Thibodeaux, WHW temporary restraining order advocate; and domestic violence survivor Jlorra Basbas-Aguilar.

Participants will also have the opportunity to engage the experts in discussions and work with each other in breakout groups.

Learn how to help your employees. Managers are encouraged to capitalize on this training program — a first in the State of Hawaii — by registering via e-mail to
