Join the fight against cancer

It’s scary to realize that one in three people will be impacted by cancer at some point in their lives.
According to the American Cancer Society-Hawaii Pacific Inc., more than 4,700 people in the islands will be diagnosed with cancer this year, and 2,000 Hawaii residents will die from the disease.
The American Cancer Society is correct in affirming that “cancer touches the lives of everyone.”
The question is, are you going to fight back?
Here in Lahaina from 6 p.m. on Saturday, July 24, through 6 a.m. on Sunday, July 25, at Lahaina Recreation Center Park, the West Side community will celebrate the people who have battled cancer, remember loved ones lost and take a stand against this terrible disease at the 2010 Relay For Life West Maui.
During the relay, teams camp out and keep a representative running or walking on the track at all times. The event is held overnight, because “cancer never sleeps,” ACS noted.
Relay highlights include the inspirational “Survivors’ Lap,” when survivors circle the track together and, together with the crowd, celebrate victories over cancer.
After dark, participants honor people who have been touched by cancer and remember loved ones lost to the disease during the emotional Luminaria Ceremony. Candles are lit inside bags filled with sand — each one bearing the name of a person impacted by cancer — and participants often walk a lap in silence.
There is still time to start a team, join a team or participate as a survivor.
Donations are also welcome to help the American Cancer Society in its mission to eliminate cancer as a major health threat, save lives and diminish suffering from cancer through research, education advocacy and service.
For more information, visit or contact Steve Aheong at 357-4725.
Join your friends and neighbors in West Maui who are taking up the fight against cancer.