Mark Oreck leaves a legacy of volunteerism

Some residents get a charge out of tutoring West Maui students, volunteering at Lahaina Public Library or holding a big drive at work for the Maui Food Bank.
The late Mark Oreck of Lahaina cared deeply about Maui Memorial Medical Center (MMMC) and its Emergency Department.
Oreck started volunteering at MMMC’s Emergency Department on June 5, 1989, and showed up at the hospital every Saturday through August 2007, clocking more than 4,844 hours of service.
He became an honorary member of the E.R. Department and touched the lives of patients and staff through his dedication, generosity and compassion, the Maui Memorial Medical Center Foundation reported.
Upon his passing on Sept. 29, 2007, Oreck bequeathed his entire estate to the foundation.
“Our foundation is extremely humbled and grateful for this gift bestowed us by Mark Oreck,” said Ululani Correa, MMMC Foundation executive director.
“His relationship with the staff and his ability to bring comfort to patients and their families is a testament to the person that he was, giving so much of himself to help others. Maui was Mark’s home and this was his community. Therefore, he bequeathing his estate to the foundation was because, in his heart, he wanted to ensure that this gift will be used to ensure MMMC will have the necessary resources to continue providing a high level of medical care for our community, now and in the future.”
The foundation will hold an estate sale on Saturday, Nov. 7, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., and Sunday, Nov. 8, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Oreck’s residence at 18 Kauaula Road in Lahaina.
Items for sale include antiques, unique stained glass and building features such as doors and columns, beautiful chandeliers and lighting fixtures, collectable paintings, pottery, and dishes.
Many rare finds await collectors. Prices range from $10 for silver-plate flatware to a Flemish 17th-18th century oil painting on canvas valued at $5,500. All sales are final, and only cash and credit card sales will be accepted. For information, call 242-2630 or e-mail
Proceeds will benefit the nonprofit foundation and its mission of supporting the health and wellness of our community by ensuring Maui Memorial Medical Center has the resources needed to provide the highest level of medical care.
Oreck leaves a legacy of volunteerism and compassion. His kind act will help the Maui community by improving its only major hospital.