More iPhone tips and useful apps
In the last article, I gave you a few iPhone tips. I still have a few more you might like.
If you have the new Apple AirPods, you can use them to eavesdrop on your new girlfriend talking stink about your new aloha shirt while having a Big Whopper lunch with her. First thing you need to do is open up Settings on your iPhone, go to Control Center, Customized Controls, Hearing and Activate Live Listen. Tell your girlfriend that you have to water the plants, and leave your iPhone on the table next to the mashed potatoes.
Make sure your AirPods are glued into your ears and stroll into the bathroom. Push down the toilet seat and start listening. Holy cow!! Perhaps you should go buy another aloha shirt!
Here is one that I use all the time. It’s called Text Replacement. Basically, what you do instead of typing in your e-mail address is just type in the letters “$$,” for instance, and it will type out your whole e-mail address on the line.
Here’s how you set it up: on your iPhone, go into Settings, General, Keyboards, Text Replacement. Hit the + sign in the upper right corner, in the Phrase line type in your e-mail address, then in the lower box type in ##. Next time you need to type in your e-mail address, just type in ##, and your address will appear on the line.
Now that you save time with the e-mail address shortcut, how about making it easier to send someone your home address without typing it all in. I set mine up so that if I type in “I’m at,” my whole address appears. To set this up, you need to have Location Service on. Now open Contacts and add your name, phone number, e-mail address and home address.
Another cool thing I have on my iPhone that I use constantly is called AssistiveTouch, which is a small circle on your iPhone screen that when pressed gives you all kinds of shortcuts to do things like take a screen shot, turn on the flashlight, play music, rotate screen, volume up, screen mirroring, Bluetooth and Internet. You can even customize it by adding more cool things.
Give this a try, and you’ll be sending me thank you letters. To set it up on the iPhone, go to Settings, Accessibility, then Touch; turn on AssistiveTouch, and the circle appears on your screen.
Another app that I have used is called Measure, found in the Apple Apps folder on your iPhone, that will let you measure anything, and if you’re hanging a picture, it acts as a level.
Three years ago almost to the day, I rescued LuLu, a small dog, from living on the side of the road for six years up in the Honolua Bay area. I would drive up there three times a week to feed her. Since then I keep giving my readers a yearly update, as she’s become the Lahaina News Mascot.
About a month ago, she suffered nerve damage to the right side of her mouth and couldn’t close it. I ended up having to feed her with a big syringe three times a day and spent almost $1,800 on visits to three different vets. There have been X-rays and blood diagnostics, and an ultrasound is scheduled.
As of today, nobody seems to give me an answer why she’s fading away like this. I’m hoping that the West Maui Animal Clinic can find a solution to bring her back to good health. This has financially devastated me. If anyone out there feels a little compassion and wants to help out and contribute a little to get her back on her feet, I’d appreciate it. My address is: George Gordon, 17 Puamana Place, Lahaina, HI, 96761. Thanks so much!
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