Now you can text 911 for help during an emergency
There is now a way to TEXT 911 for help in an emergency. Click on the App Store icon, and in the search box, type in (text to 911) to download it. If you need to be quiet so the intruder can’t hear you, or if you have a disability that prevents communicating with the 911 operators, or have poor cell reception, Text-to-911 is an important tool to keep in mind. Try to include as much information as possible in your first message and include your location.
If you want to see a list of all your passwords on your Mac and iPhone, just say “Hey Siri” and then say “PASSWORDS.”
Apple Card, which lives on your iPhone, just launched. So what is an Apple Card? Well, for starters, the card will be added to Apple Pay and available for contact-less payments as well as online purchases. A physical card with the Apple logo will arrive in the mail. Apple Cards can be used for cash back rewards with each purchase that is transferred to an Apple Cash Card in your Apple Pay account.
The new iOS-1 Messages App allows you to create a photo of yourself. Whenever you message someone, a photo and your name will be shared. So you’ll never wonder “who’s texting me” when you see their photo and name.
Safari can change the text size for all you Coke bottle glasses users, and a new Fonts App lets you install and manage system-wide fonts.
Since I’ve been repairing Apple laptops, they’ve been making new changes to their hard drives. The first hard drive was a mechanical one that had a mini record player inside. If the motor failed, then you kissed it goodbye.
The next drive they made was called SSD and looked like a stick of Black Jack gum. You could remove the SSD drive, place it in a special case, then attach it to a computer’s USB port and get the data off it.
The brand new Macbooks have the hard drive built on or soldered on the logic board. So, if the logic board takes a dump, you are most likely going to lose all your data, which are pictures, docs and music. So, do you want to spend about $2,000 on a new Apple Macbook Retina to find out that your pictures are soldered on a green board, or would you want to search and buy a used 2015 or earlier model and sleep well knowing a good computer tech will be able to retrieve your data? Places to find a good used Macbook Pro or Macbook Air are eBay or the Apple Store. Craigslist is another option, but the seller probably won’t guarantee or refund your money if the computer dies after the first couple of days.
With all the problems Windows 10 has been through the last year, it’s worth looking into an Apple laptop. Most people are scared to switch, thinking the learning curve is too complicated or that they need to read an 842-page instruction manual. Well folks, I’m going to show you the differences between a Mac and a PC real quick.
First of all, the icons look exactly the same. The Word icon not only looks the same, but it opens up and the program displays and works like a PC.
Okay, now that you took a breath and didn’t freak out, I’ll tell you how to shut down an Apple vs. a PC. The PC has a Start button on the lower bottom left-hand side that you click on to shut down, but the Apple has basically the same one on the top left-hand corner. Both have icons on the bottom that you can click on to open up programs. The Mac one is called the DOCK, and the PC is called the TASKBAR. That’s it!!!!! Now you can go out and buy a Mac. Put your gun and bottle of pills away, and if you keep reading my articles, I’ll keep you updated on tips and tricks plus new apps.
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