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Make a sound investment into the lives of Maui keiki

By Staff | Aug 22, 2019

Maui Music Mission currently has ten openings for keiki on Mondays and Wednesdays.

LAHAINA – There are thousands of keiki in West Maui who do not receive any formal art, music or physical education. That is a tragedy! Many families here are living in poverty due to the high cost of living, This poverty affects public school funding, which has led to our elementary schools being shut out of the arts completely.

At Maui Music Mission, we believe that music is essential to the physical and emotional development of children. It also improves coordination, memory, stamina and posture. Statistically, kids who are in music programs get higher scores in math, reading, science and comprehension.

Music is a key that unlocks the expression of emotions. That is why we cover a broad range of disciplines and genres, including cultural, classical and spiritual. Music inspires great leadership and promotes the kind of creative thinking that makes whole community prosper.

We started the mission in the park beside the school with a donation of ten ukuleles, and have grown into an exciting after school program where kids learn to play ukulele, piano, singing, theory, rhythm and more! Personal lessons and small group electives are offered at a fraction of the usual cost for these services, and are open to all ages. When kids see teens and adults learning, they are inspired even further.

Keiki in the After School Music Club are becoming confident and eager to face challenges and lead.

Our mission is to introduce children to music as a form of literacy and self-expression. We just want to bless the keiki and their ohana by instilling this precious gift, which is bestowed on every single one of us.

So, sing and make music from your soul. It is so essential

As we wait for our 501(c)(3) status, we must find ways to keep the music club going and expand programs to include more kids with financial aid, sponsorships and scholarships.

Your contribution makes it possible for us to pick up kids from school in a safe vehicle, hire professional teachers and meet at a dedicated music classroom. With your help, we can provide musical instruments, maintenance and supplies, along with technology, field trips and a strong administration to keep kids and their information safe.

Contact us or make a donation at www.MauiMusicMission.com. We extend our warmest mahalo for your generosity in giving to support the music mission. You are making a sound investment into the lives of keiki and our whole island ohana.