A great app for camera freaks
Get this, camera freaks: you can now shoot RAW photos with the iPhone. First off, you have to download a third-party app called Obscura. Once opened, you can choose Format and click on RAW. But beware – RAW photos take up a lot of space.
So what is 5G? It’s the newest, fastest Internet speed due out in the next year… but your iPhone has to have the 5G chip in it. The good news is that the speed is about 100 times faster for downloading and searching webpages. The bad news is that the distance from the transmitting tower is less than the 4G. That means you will have to have more 5G transmitters placed on telephone poles on every city block, and if you live out in the country, you’ll be stuck with 4G or 4G/5G combo.
Here is a really helpful tip. If you have more than one printer, you place both printer icons on the Dock. Then, if you want to print a photo or document, you can drag it to the specific printer on the Dock and it prints. So, let’s give it a shot.
Click on the Apple icon on the top left and choose System Preferences, Printers & Scanners. A list of printers appears on the left. Just click on one of the printer icons and drag it to the Dock. If you have another printer, drag it to the Dock, too. Now open up Photos. Choose a photo, click and drag it down to one of your printer icons on the bottom Dock. Release it, then watch it print out the photo.
Using your Mac computer, you can download an App from the App Store. Whether it’s free or you bought it, you can delete it at any time and free up space. Best part is that you can download it anytime you need it and don’t have to purchase it again.
Try this: on the Mac computer, open up the App Store from the Dock. On the bottom left is your picture and name in a circle. Just click on it, and the window opens up showing all your purchases and which app is open. The ones with a cloud symbol are not opened but can be reopened by clicking on them, which begins the download. If you want to delete the App, go back to your Desktop, click on GO on the top menu bar, then click on Applications. Now find the app you want to delete and drag it to the Trash Can on the bottom right.
Another question people ask me is why they don’t get the same messages that appear on their iPhone in their Mac’s Message App. They just aren’t syncing. First, make sure you have enabled Messages in iCloud on both devices. On your iPhone, go to Settings, your Apple ID at the top, iCloud, and then look for Messages and make sure it is turned on.
On the Mac, click on the Message App, and at the top left click on Preferences, iMessage, Settings. There is a checkbox for Enable Messages in iCloud.
Here is a good tip. If you don’t have Microsoft Word on your Mac and get a .doc from somebody, you can still open it up. Click on the Finder icon on the bottom Dock, locate the document, then click on it. Click on the Eyeball icon on the top menu bar to display the full page. Or you can right-click on the document and a menu appears. Choose OPEN WITH and choose Preview App.
Send your computer-related questions to mauimist8669@yahoo.com.