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New iOS 11.3 offers auto-fill for your apps

By Staff | Apr 19, 2018

The new iOS 11.3 will use auto-fill that automatically fills in your username and passwords in apps. You don’t have to type them in.

In earlier versions of iOS 11, Safari could store usernames and passwords and auto-fill them on websites where users needed to log in. Now, this functionality is finally available in apps.

So, for example, when you click on a link to The Wall Street Journal in your Twitter app, you can auto-fill your login information, rather than stopping and opening up the app 1Passw to find it.

Many people get confused on how iCloud Drive works. When you use iCloud Drive, which is automatically loaded on the High Sierra operating system, all your files are stored on your Mac, Apple’s iCloud Drive Server and also any other Macs using iCloud Drive with your Apple ID. When you save or modify a new file, it is automatically copied on the iCloud Server and onto your other Macs.

If you wish to save storage space on a Mac, you can turn on the Optimize Mac Storage option. To optimize storage on the Mac, go to System Preferences, iCloud, make sure that iCloud Drive is checked, click on Options then check mark the box Optimize Mac Storage. On the iPhone, go to Settings, Photos, click on iCloud Photo Library and check Optimize iPhone Storage.

People who aren’t tech savvy get nervous clicking on all those boxes, but there is an easier way to save space on your iPhone and have a complete backup in case you lose it. It’s an app called iMazing that you can download from the App Store onto your Mac computer. When you plug in your charging cable to your iPhone and connect the other end to the back of your Mac’s USB port, it automatically starts up the program and makes it easy to back up everything on your iPhone, from photos, e-mail, contacts, messages and music to all of your apps. Afterwards, you can delete any photos you don’t want to keep on your iPhone and know they are safely backed up.

I don’t use social media very much and occasionally go onto Facebook to post pictures. Friday night, I found myself at the Village Art Gallery munching on free pupus and started talking to Bonnie Fox, an artist who is displaying her fantastic artworks there. I wanted to see more of her paintings, so she whipped out her iPhone and opened up her Instagram app, which displayed all her current and past paintings. I was so amazed by the way the photos were displayed that I downloaded the app and will be uploading photos of my ten doggies on it. Look for ’em!!

The other day, a client brought in a Windows 10 laptop that had the newest virus called “Rapid Ransomware” that encrypted all of his files. For only $360, he could have gotten the key. He didn’t. Luckily, I found a program that decrypts ransomware but only saved a few files.

Send your computer-related questions to mauimist8669@yahoo.com.