More handy tricks and tips for iPhone users
Did you know that you can hold your iPhone up close to your face and say, “Hey Siri, where is the nearest Krispy Crme Donuts located?” Siri will then show you that location on a map.
Also, when holding your iPhone up in front of you, you can quickly see your notifications without putting in your password.
Here is another neat trick to enable Wi-Fi or Bluetooth on your iPhone. Instead of tapping icon after icon, give your finger a rest – just press and hold on the Setting Icon, and a fast menu appears that allows you to connect to Wi-Fi and set-up Bluetooth really fast.
After viewing your e-mail, just swipe to the left and you can quickly trash it, reply, forward or mark it.
Another secret trick when looking at your photos is to click on the Spyglass icon, and in the search box type in something like your girlfriend’s name, “Gertrude.” All her photos will show up.
Also, if you want Gertrude to stand out in a photo with the courthouse blurred in the background, click on Portraits in your camera settings. I mentioned this trick before, but it comes in handy if you’re reading your divorce papers, the bottom line’s saying “SHE GETS IT ALL,” and it reads so small that you need a magnifying glass. No worries! Just open up the iPhone camera, and using three fingers, just double-tap on the screen. Hold it over the bottom line that now enlarges it, and make your decision that you probably don’t want to sign that piece of paper. It also works great in a restaurant to read the menu that hides the $30 pricetag for a hamburger.
I also mentioned a secret way to send a hidden message in Messenger. Well, you can also hide a photo. It’s really easy to use, so let’s try one out. Open up Messenger and choose the person you want to try this out with. Click on the box to the left that has the > in it, and a menu pops up allowing you to choose the camera icon. Click on the camera icon and choose a photo, and after it appears, press and hold on the upper blue circle with an arrow in it. Now a menu pops up, so choose SEND WITH INVISIBLE INK and press the blue circle with the arrow in it to send it. Wow!!! What happened to my photo? Don’t freak out now! The photo looks like a blur with sparkling stars throughout it. If you swipe around it with your finger, the blurred image starts to reappear. This is a fun way to send hidden photos and even text to your IRS agent.
A lot of people don’t know how to back up their pictures, music and documents. Some use iCloud, but most don’t know how to use a USB Flash Drive or a USB External Hard Drive. So, in my next article, I will show everyone how to use a USB Flash Drive that you can buy at Office Max.
You ask, “Why buy a USB Flash Drive when a External Hard Drive holds more data?” Well, I have a good answer. A customer of mine dropped his External Hard Drive filled with old irreplaceable pictures off the kitchen table, and it started making strange noises. In other words, he trashed it, and it’s going to cost him big bucks to retrieve that data from a company called Kholl Ontracks, which charges anywhere from $500 to $5,000.
The Flash Drive doesn’t have any working parts in it. So, if you drop it off the top of the Empire State Building, and if it doesn’t land on someone’s head, it should still work.
A 65-gigabyte Flash Drive should be enough to capture all of your data. If you want to go out and buy one, I can help you back up your data next week.
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