Need help deleting thousands of old e-mails?
Some people I know never delete their e-mails, end up with over 2,500 of them, then ask me how to delete them off their iPhone.
Well, if you don’t have arthritis on your forefinger, you can delete them one at a time. Or you can open up your e-mail from a desktop or laptop and delete all of them at once. Depending on which e-mail program you use, most will let you “select all,” then “delete” them.
When you open a program on your MacBook Pro, the icon goes to the right side of the dock beside the recycle bin and download file icons. If you drag that icon to the left side where all the app icons are, it stays there permanently. You can even drop a text file down on the right side of the dock, open it up, read it, then drag it to the left side, and it remains there to open up anytime.
In most programs that show a menu up at the top, you can click on View, scroll down to Customize the Toolbar and add more cool features. Try opening up Finder, then click on View, Customize Toolbar and drag Quick Look up to the top line. The new icon is placed to the left of the search box. Now you can quickly look at a document or photo. There are a whole bunch of useful functions that you can place up there.
There is a cool icon on the lower left corner of the iPhone e-mail app that looks like a blue circle with three lines in it. Go ahead and press on it. What happened to all your old e-mail? Did they just disappear… only showing your unread ones? Don’t faint, call Apple tech or go down a shot of tequila. Just press on the solid blue circle icon with the three lines in it, and all your old e-mails magically reappear.
You don’t need to back up iPhone apps, because in the event your iPhone fails, you can just re-download all apps from the App Store. So there is no need to deal with iTunes sync or backup on your Mac anymore.
The new operating system called High Sierra for the Mac computers and IOS 11 for the iPhone and iPad will soon be out. There is a new file system that will increase speed and many other cool features that you don’t need to be concerned with. This new file system is so different that older systems won’t be able to read the new files. But the new file system can read old stuff. So don’t freak out and go buy a Windows 10 computer, because you won’t even notice the difference if you only go online to play blackjack.
A lot of my new clients that want their computers fixed, or old clients that break them on purpose just to come over, play with my dogs, lounge around the swimming pool or relax on a comfortable chair, need to find my place. I can try and talk them through the road signs and right turns, but there is a much easier way. I just open up the Maps icon, press on the blue dot, then tap Send My Location. A menu opens up, and you can choose to send it via Message, Mail or Facebook. I don’t serve drinks or have suntan lotion available here.
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