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iPhone 101: How to use Lost Mode to find a missing iOS device

By Staff | May 29, 2014

Maui Preparatory Academy’s fourth grade class, under the instruction of Branden Hazlet, decided they wanted to build a hovercraft… so they did!

Lost Mode is a feature of Find My iPhone that is available in iOS 6 or later. It’s a little hard to set up but really works.

An alternative for 99 cents is an app called Marco Polo. This is the best app for anyone who loses their iPhone ten times a day. If your dog drags your iPhone behind his food dish, just scream “MARCO,” and the phone will blast out “POLO.” The dog won’t try that again!

The app called the Weather Channel has really cool video clips and news articles along with radar. The video clips are awesome.

Want to start Windows 8 just like starting up Windows 7 or XP without all the squares and rectangles? If you have updated to Windows 8.1, there is another update that when downloaded and installed will put two new symbols on the upper right corner. It’s a spy glass and a circle with a line through it. To do this, go to www.microsoft.com and type 2919355 in the search box. It will take you to a site where you can download the file, and it’s placed in your download folder. When finished, go to the download folder and install it. After that, go to the desktop screen and right-click in the center of the lower task bar, choose Properties, then choose Navigation and check the box with “when I start my computer.” Reboot, and the desktop now appears even with a start button, and there are no more rectangles.

You can now text 911 in an emergency.

There are some really cool online classes that you can take at Screencasts.com and Lynda.com.

AT&T data charges are confusing, and people get stuck with big bills at the end of the month. Here is an easy breakdown that will help you save money.

There are two ways to surf and get e-mail, videos and music off the Internet. The first is WiFi – a wireless router connected up to your modem that sends out a wireless signal – and it’s free to get any data with. Many businesses and resorts offer free WiFi.

The other connection is cellular, and that costs money. The charge is by gigabytes for data, not time. Most data plans start with two gigs a month, and you can buy more. So, for example, you can look at 18,000 e-mails, which equals two gigabytes of usage; 168 hours of listening to music can cost you five gigs; 325 hours surfing on the Internet equals five gigs; 3,000 texts equals one gig; 42 hours of watching live video equals five gigs; and 225 downloads of apps equals one gig.

So, for instance, you could use up your five gigs doing 1,700 e-mails, 28 hours of music, 99 hours surfing the web, 370 texts with photos, 20 hours of Netflix video and 17 song downloads. You can also go to www.att.com/att/datacalculator and run the calculator for yourself. Or dial *3282# and get a text with results of how much you’re using. AT&T is $40 a month for two gigs and $80 for five gigs.

Shoot Alike for the Mac will help you eliminate duplicate pictures.

Looking to buy a used Mac? Check out Other World Computers.

Get the app Dash Cam – it’s the same cams cops use on their dashboard.

Call me at 665-1025 if you have any questions, or e-mail me at mauimist8669@yahoo.com if you have any suggestions.