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More really cool apps

By Staff | Dec 26, 2013

I’d like to wish everyone a Maui Christmas! In this issue, we’re going to look at some really cool apps.

Dropbox has a new release, and the coolest feature is AirDrop support, where you stand next to another iPhone user and instantly transfer a document or photo wirelessly.

Microsoft has improved its SkyDrive app by letting users opt to have their photos automatically backed up to Microsoft’s cloud storage. You now get seven gigabytes of free storage by signing up.

People are complaining about Yahoo mail since they changed their format. I still say AOL is the best e-mail provider out there.

I just bought a new speaker for my iPhone, and it’s a totally new concept – no wires, no Bluetooth and no syncing. All you have to do is place your iPhone on top of the speaker’s flat surface. It’s called Boots Plus speakers by ifrogz.

Here is a neat app called Time Shutter. It’s an app that will let you take a picture at the same spot over and over every day, say for six months, and in the end you have a time lapse animation.

Dipstic is another really useful app that might come in handy for e-mailing Christmas cards. You choose from a big selection of picture frames and insert a photo in each frame. Then you can choose all kinds of effects and add text. They just came out with their latest app called Dipstic Video. I was totally blown away by this one. It has the same selection of frames, only you insert your video clips in each frame. Get ready for this: when you finish loading it, all the video clips play in each frame at the same time along with any song you choose. That’s going to be my Christmas card this year.

One of my readers e-mailed me and told me about a new contact app called IntouchApp. I downloaded it and fell in love with it. Try it out.

Like listening to the radio? The app called Stitcher has a selection of 15,000 radio stations.

A new app called Redbox lets you stream live videos and download movies. You can also reserve your movies at the Red Box found in most grocery stores. It’s kind of like Netflix.

The new Honda Civic has an iPhone touch screen in the dash.

Check this out: the RotoView app allows you to magnify your photos and scroll around using gestures and phone movements (double tap, throw and glide and rotate).

Most of these apps can be found at the App Store, and you can also Google them. Well, have fun. Next year will be filled with new gadgets and software, and you’ll be the first to hear about it.

Send your computer-related questions to mauimist8669@yahoo.com.