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Love Your Smile with Dr. Sujata Bhatia

By Staff | Nov 21, 2013

Gratitude unlocks the fullness… For this season of thanksgiving, we at Kihei-Lahaina Orthodontics would like to express our gratitude to the community that puts their trust and confidence in us by giving the gift of a smile.

Kihei-Lahaina Orthodontics would like to provide orthodontic care and FREE BRACES to two under-served children (from Maui County) who have special orthodontic needs and whose families face financial challenges.

If you or someone you know could benefit from orthodontic treatment, but finances are keeping you or them from achieving this dream, please send in your application to be considered for this gift of a smile. To review the requirements, go to www.kiheiorthodonticsmaui.com or www.lahainaorthodonticsamaui.com. We are located at 505 Front Street, #202; call 661-9229.

We strive to provide you the best that orthodontic technology can offer with the best that humanity can offer.

We build kindness… one smile at a time, because we believe that a warm smile is the universal language of kindness!