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Lahaina Intermediate School continuing to improve overall

By Staff | Nov 21, 2013

LAHAINA – Wow! Are we approaching the holiday season already? Oh my… need I say that time is flying by?

I will now finish up the STRIVE-HI ratings Lahaina Intermediate School received for last year’s performance.

We covered Student Achievement and Student Growth in October’s newsletter. I will now explain the remaining two areas for which STRIVE-HI measures in determining our school’s improvement. The remaining sections are Readiness and Achievement Gap Reduction.

The Readiness section has to do with how ready are our eighth-graders for college or careers? EXPLORE is the name of the assessment that represents the eighth grade level ACT.

In the past, ACT was taken by 11th-graders at the high school level. Now, beginning with eighth-graders, all students up to and including 11th-graders take the ACT.

The results of the ACT provide indicators of readiness of college level expectations. Many colleges are requiring both ACT scores as well as the SAT, which is the college entrance exam.

LIS’ score for EXPLORE was 13. In order to begin to receive weighted points, we needed at least 13.5 points. Missed it by just .5. Disappointment. Sixteen points would have earned us 100 weighted points. We received zero out of 100 points.

Achievement Gap Reduction is the last section. There are two groupings in this section: the non-high-needs students and the high-needs students, which is made up of Special Education (SPED), English Language Learners (ELL), and Disadvantaged (Free/ Reduced Meal Program) students.

The percentage of students meeting proficiency in the HSA in the non-high-needs group (80 percent) is compared with the percentage of students meeting proficiency in the HSA in the high-needs group (47 percent).

Our Gap Reduction between these two groups was 6 percent over a two-year period, earning us 27 out of 100 points.

According to a recent informational presentation on STRIVE-HI, the lower the percentage of the gap, the better the rating is. We just need to continue raising the student achievement and growth in both groups of the high-needs and non-high-needs student groups.

The total points a school can earn is 400. The sum of all points earned in the four sections described above total 165. We earned 165 out of 400 points.

Although it sounds like a very low score, we still earned the status of Continuous Improvement, because we are continuing to improve in the Achievement and Growth areas. LIS is continuing to make improvement overall.

Please have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your friends and family. Be safe and enjoy. IMUA!