Are you being ripped off?
In this issue, I’m going to dedicate a section on unethical business practices.
Three people have approached me in the last week who took their computers into a national chain store on Maui. Going in for a small problem, they were coerced into buying a brand new computer after being told their computer looked old.
This racket by strong-arm salesmen – looking to beef up their Friday paycheck by preying on ignorant customers – is blatant unprofessionalism.
Another scam is calling up “support” and being directed to a foreign country, where the first thing said – even without looking at your computer – is that you have a virus and corrupted files. “For only 150 dollars, we will fix it.”
Nowadays, you’d have better luck buying a car from Honest Harry’s used car lot.
Since I shy away from doing repairs for large commercial businesses looking to find a reliable IT repairman, they need to check out Uli Okura of Maui Tech Gurus. His specialty is networking large systems… and he’s honest.
Okay, let’s look at some new apps and a few good tips and tricks.
To stop receiving marketing e-mails, put the word “Unsubscribe” in your e-mail filter.
Timelaspe Pro is software that allows you to continue using programs that end after a one-year subscription, so you don’t have pay the same amount for a second year.
I mentioned awhile back a group of inventors and people can invest in their new products. Go to and see some of them.
I just invested $50 in a product called Snapzoom created by some local boys in Hawaii, which allows you to attach your iPhone to binoculars or to a telescope. Now your iPhone can have a telescopic lens.
The FedEx Mobile app lets you sign for your package online, so if you’re not home, you’ll still get the delivery.
The Vine app is the number one most popular app in the world. It allows you to send a six-second video to your friends on Twitter or Facebook.
The Phoster app creates posters or invitations for parties or meetings.
Put the scroll bar back in Mountain Lion by going to System Preferences, General, Show Scroll Bars, and then click on Always.
On the Mac, to display a new thumb drive or an external USB hard drive that you plugged in, go to Finder, Preferences, Devices, and click on Hard Drives.
The THX app can calibrate your audio and video system hooked up to your HDTV. It will enhance your picture and sound.
Phoneclean 2 cleans up your iPhone and makes it run faster. Using it gave me a lot more free space.
Skype is now in the Outlook.Com inbox.
Update your Google app and get the new Google Now. It’s a battery hog, though. Go into Settings, Privacy, Location Services, and turn the button to off. This app has better voice control, traffic and a faster response.
Download the free app called Podcasts. It has cool science, health and education programs that you can kick back in your easy chair and listen to.
Get the new Zello app that’s like having a walkie-talkie. Almost like owning a Nextel phone.
Kwikset has made a new front door lock it’s calling Kevo. You can use your iPhone to open up your front door if you lose your keys, and you can temporarily transfer the code to another person’s iPhone so they can get in.
Play Sound is a new feature in the Find My iPhone app. You can use your computer or iPad to log into your account and enable Play Sound. Music will play continuously on your lost iPhone until you locate it. Have fun and enjoy!
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