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Lahaina Intermediate sees improvement in test scores

By Staff | May 23, 2013

LAHAINA – Wooohooo! We are at the end of another successful school year… and what a year it has been!

I waited to write this final message to everyone until I was able to gather the final HSA scores in reading and math. There was significant growth of all students.

Significant increases in individual student reading and math scores are evident. There is definite movement from performing in the Well Below level to the Approaching Proficiency level, and on to the Proficiency level.

Here are the results of student proficiency rates in comparison with the last two years:

HSA Reading: Grade 6 – 47 percent in School Year 2010-11, 58 percent in SY2011-12, and 71 percent this year; Grade 7 – 49 percent in School Year 2010-11, 58 percent in SY2011-12, and 65 percent this year; Grade 8 – 56 percent in School Year 2010-11, 60 percent in SY2011-12, and 58 percent this year.

HSA Math: Grade 6 – 37 percent in School Year 2010-11, 54 percent in SY2011-12, and 55 percent this year; Grade 7 – 51 percent in School Year 2010-11, 50 percent in SY2011-12, and 53 percent this year; Grade 8 – 46 percent in School Year 2010-11, 43 percent in SY2011-12, and 40 percent this year.

As you can see, significant gains were made in reading, some in math. Unfortunately, our eighth grade math teacher, Deborah Kramer, returned home because of a family emergency in February. We have had long-term substitute teachers in her classes. Although the absence of a certified math teacher in the eighth grade level played a part in the students’ lack of improvement, our other math teachers, Jun Wu and Krystle Dunn, supported the substitutes as best they could. Jennifer Jenkins and Debra Mau joined the others in support by being available for after school math tutoring once a week. We wish Ms. Kramer and her family well during this difficult time.

LIS staff worked at focusing on data analysis through Data Teams and embedding benchmarks across all content areas. Teachers shared their knowledge and understanding with one another in grade level Academic Teams. They shared their lessons and student work samples. Professional conversations were rich and in depth. They learned from one another.

LIS will continue to follow the early release Wednesday schedule, in which students are dismissed from school at 11:45 a.m. This schedule enables teachers to meet, plan and collaborate together as they work toward school-wide goals to improve student achievement.

As the end of the school year is upon us, I wish to thank everyone for your support. Community businesses, hotels, Rotarians, tutor volunteers and parents, LIS sends our appreciation out to you. We are so lucky to live and work in this wonderful town of Lahaina. Our students are so fortunate. Mahalo, everyone.

I would like to bid farewell to Jose Cabanilla, custodian. He retired as of May 15. Also, congratulations to Laura Braman, seventh grade ELA/reading teacher, who will be retiring as of June 30. We will miss you.

Congratulations to our eighth grade students who will be moving on to Lahainaluna High School. We wish you all success. We wish you the best in life. Be all you can be!

Parents, please visit our website and watch for announcements in the Lahaina News for information regarding the upcoming school year.

Have a great summer. Enjoy your friends and families. Be safe. IMUA!