How to install Windows 8 on a Mac Book Air
In this issue, we’re going to look at the new Windows 8 and Mountain Lion operating systems using a Mac Book Air. There is no CD disk for Mountain Lion, so you have to download it on your Mac hard drive, then install it.
It automatically creates a tiny space on the hard drive called a partition. If you need to reinstall Mountain Lion or repair it, just hold down the Command key and the R key while booting up. I put Windows 8 on my new Mac Book Air using a program called Bootcamp found under the Utilities folder. It was so easy to do, and it didn’t take long.
Since my Mac Air doesn’t have a CD player, I used an USB external CD player. I started up my Mac and clicked on Go, Utilities, Bootcamp and started the installation. OH… did I mention that you have to buy the Windows 8 CS?!
With Bootcamp started, you get three options. I chose number two, which downloads all the Windows 8 drivers onto my plugged-in USB thumbdrive, and number three that installs Windows 8.
After Windows 8 is installed, turn on the Mac Air and hold down the Option key, which lets you choose either the Mac or PC hard drive. Click on the PC drive. When Windows 8 is opened and you get over the shock of your life, you need to read more on my tips how to navigate around it.
After you feel comfortable, a week or so later, you can insert the thumb drive, navigate to it and click on SETUP, which will load all the missing drivers for Windows 8. Okay… the first thing you need to do is to download a program that puts the START button back on. So click on Internet Explorer, go to Google and search for Vistart. This program will put the Start button back on Windows 8.
All right – let’s get started on some tips. First of all, you have to move the mouse all around and remember which corner has the Settings, Charm Bar and Desktop. I ended up getting Carpal Tunnel Syndrome until I started watching YouTube tutorials. I found that using these shortcut keys made it much easier to navigate around the screen: Command Q opens all apps; Command I opens settings; Command R opens run; Command E opens up Explorer Drive C:; Command F opens up files; Command K opens up devices; Command C opens the Charm Bar; and Command X opens up Start. You can print out these shortcuts and scotch tape them to your computer like I did.
The first screen that appears is a log on screen, and nothing happens until you hit the space bar – all of a sudden a space appears for you to type in your user name and a space for your password. This is really interesting. If you decide to use a user name like *&^%$@ google. com or UUUUU@ aol. com, it’s called a local account. If you have a Hotmail, Windows Live Mail or account and log in using one of them, then it’s called a Windows account. If you go to another Windows 8 computer and log in with your Windows account, all your apps, docs and pics automatically appear. The Gmail or AOL account doesn’t do that, so create a Windows account when you get time.
Some more tips: CTRL, SHIFT, ESC can restart a crashed program. CTRL+ALT+ESC brings you to the task manager. For the recovery options, press SHIFT 8 when starting up your computer. This option can reinstall Windows 8 and also save your files and fix many issues. There is so much more to show you, so I will continue next issue with more tricks.
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