Lahaina Intermediate School students improving in HSA test scores
LAHAINA – Aloha, all. We are in the final quarter of this school year.
It has been a year of professional learning as we formed Data Teams. Professional learning opportunities took place during the shortened Wednesday schedule, which allotted us time to meet to analyze data and to have common planning time within our grade level teams. We are able to understand the reading and math standards and are incorporating practical applications by using common terminology and using reading, writing and math standards across all content areas.
Prior to the Spring Break, our students made their second attempt in the HSA-Math. There is significant growth reflected in the results compared to the results of their first attempt back in December. In the sixth grade, 46 percent of all students are proficient compared to their first attempt of 28 percent. In the seventh grade, 44 percent of all students are proficient compared to their first attempt of 31 percent. And in the eighth grade, 35 percent of all students are proficient compared to their first attempt of 27 percent. The average of these new scores is 41.66 percent. Compared to the final school-wide result from last school year of 49 percent, we are less than 8 percent away from it. We expect our students to surpass last year’s proficiency rate by the end of this year, when they make their third and final attempt in May.
Remember, the HSA is based on the entire year’s worth of standards all students are expected to learn by the end of the school year. So, we expect their scores to increase as the year progresses. Good job, students! Good job, teachers, for the hard work you put in to each day.
As you know, Hawaii is receiving Race To The Top (RTTT) funds. A description of what is expected of the schools is described in the State’s Strategic Plan. I know it must be difficult for you to understand exactly what we, as your child’s school, are doing to improve student achievement. Please visit http://vimeo. com/61645894 to view the HIDOE Strategic Plan. Be informed. Become familiar with the plan. Ask questions.
Please join the Lahainaluna Complex schools as we come together for our second semester SCC Community Meeting on April 17 at 5 p.m. in the LIS cafeteria. All schools will be sharing our Academic Plans for next school year. Our plans are in alignment with the State’s Strategic Plan. Again, be informed. Become familiar with the plans. Ask questions. Your input is valuable to us.