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More tips for iPhones

By Staff | Jan 3, 2013

Google maps are back on the iPhone and so is Street View, which lets you see a picture of every house on your block. It’s a little tricky to find, so I’ll show how to do it.

You first have to download it from the App Store, open it up, and type in your address at the top. Next to the Google word on the lower right is a box with three dots that looks like a traffic light. Touch it, and you get four options: Traffic, Public Transit, Satellite and Google Earth.

Touch Satellite, and an aerial view appears. Now swipe up on the bottom white strip that has your address on it, and a picture along with the word Street View pops up. Tap on it. Is that your house? You can zoom in and cruise up and down the street by double-tapping forward or backwards to move on. To get back to the main menu, just tap at the very top of the screen and tap on the left arrow. Then tap on your address at the top, and you’re back to satellite view. This can be helpful to see what the office building looks like for your next job interview, or what kind of neighborhood your new girlfriend lives in.

There is a new malware virus out for Mac computers. If you download and install an app, and it asks for a telephone number, STOP and Exit out!

Flickr is an app that allows you to save your photos and share them with others. I’ve been using it for years – try it.

YouTube disappeared on the new iPhone and iPad software update 6.0, but it’s back on the App Store. On the iPhone, open the App Store icon. In the search box, type in YOU TUBE (put a space in between the YOU and TUBE).

Photojojo.com has an Olloclip three-in-one lens for the iPhone that fits over the cameras lens. You can rotate between fisheye, macro or wide-angle. I have one and love it. It’s only $70.

iTunes 11 has fixed some important bugs, like the missing air play button that allows you to display anything on the iPad or iPhone on your big screen TV via the black Apple TV box. Be sure you turn on iTunes Match. Also, this fix will now show all your app purchases.

Send your computer-related questions to mauimist8669@yahoo.com.