Jennifer Jenkins joins staff at Lahaina Intermediate
LAHAINA – Happy New Year! We hope the holiday season was full of joy and warmth with family and friends. It was a productive time during the break.
We finally hired a new sixth grade teacher, who has taken Mark Smith’s teaching line. Mr. Smith left at the end of the first quarter to move to the Mainland, where he is able care for his parents. Taking his place is Ms. Jennifer Jenkins. She is a new arrival to Hawaii from California. She is full of ideas and has come to us with much experience and knowledge in elementary education. We welcome Ms. Jenkins to the LIS ‘ohana.
Changes to the eighth grade honors math program policy have been finalized. Current eighth grade honors math students will be affected by new expectations this school year.
During the past couple of years, the Lahainaluna Complex schools had met to align our curriculum, Pre-K through 12. It was through these meetings that discussions between Lahainaluna High School and LIS math teachers took place to improve the transition of our Algebra I students from the intermediate level to that of the high school.
The plan is to have the current eighth-graders take the same End-Of-Year Algebra I exam taken by the high school Algebra I students has been put into place. This will provide consistency in the expectation of student achievement to move on to higher math courses at the high school level successfully. Parents of LIS Algebra I students will receive a letter explaining changes to the expectations that may affect their child’s math classes next year in the ninth grade. If, after receiving the letter, further clarification is needed, please do not hesitate to call the principal at 662-3965.
During the month of February, student nominations to the Honors Program will be accepted. The February Parent Newsletter will announce the open nomination period at which time students, teachers, parents and community members may nominate a student to be considered for the Honors Program in the areas of English, Math, Social Studies and/or Science. Watch for the announcement next month.
Also during the month of February, the second round of HSA testing in reading and the first round of HSA testing in math will take place. Specific dates will be announced next month, so you may prepare your child to be ready to do his/her best. Be sure to have your child eat a hearty breakfast and have a good night’s rest prior to the testing dates.
Spring is always a very busy season for academics, competitions and assessments. Please visit LIS’ for up-to-date information. Please call us should you have questions or concerns. We are here to support your child as he or she experiences new challenges. IMUA!