Up Front Lahaina
… Well, we were all looking forward to the SACRED HEARTS BAZAAR and then look what happened! Though the crowds were down, attendance was still not too bad in spite of the downpours on both nights. And mahalo to all the volunteers and the attendees who braved the rain…
… and this weekend will be LAHAINATOWN ACTION COMMITTEE’S annual Whale and Ocean Arts Festival to be held under the Banyan Tree. There will be live music, a keiki art contest, ocean tide pool exhibit (Saturday only from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.) and special presentation booths, including the Center for Whale Studies, another for the Whale Trust, a third for the Pacific Whale Foundation and a fourth for the Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary. Whew — when you are finished with all that, you’ll be ready for some kau kau at the food booths manned by AMIGOS, MOOSE McGILLYCUDDY’S and FAMOUS DAVE’S…
… all that should make it a great weekend — festival will be held Saturday and Sunday. See you there…
… and further EAST — way further East — the Arab world is still in turmoil, and LIBYA is in total disarray and danger. And the many Arab potentates in the vicinity are quaking in their boots as to who is next. What worries me is if Gaddafi does manage to hang on, what will happen to all his erstwhile supporters who have fled the coop — his overseas ambassadors have seemingly all quit, as have all the itinerant workers who helped keep the country running. And short of Venezuela, where would he go to pitch his tent — ah me!!!…
… and New Zealand trying to recover from their tragic earthquake, only to get another huge aftershock causing more damage and deaths — AUWE…
… but back on the home front, things are looking brighter in the business world — the visitors are back in big numbers. Still tightfisted, but they’re back!…
… and so are the trades, which is helping move the VOG…
… WMTA had its community meeting this past week — well-attended as usual. MAYOR ALAN ARAKAWA was guest speaker and brought everyone up to date with his plans — they are plenty and good ones…
… REP. ANGUS McKELVEY brought everyone up to speed on what the Legislature is doing, and one of the plans that excites me is the plan for a movie studio here on Maui complete with sound stages and all the trimmings. What a great shot in the arm for every industry on the island, not just now but for the future. Yea, let’s get it moving — Pronto Tonto!!!…
Up Front Lahaina is a twice monthly feature. To protect his innocence, the writer chooses to remain anonymous. The views expressed in this column belong to the author, and do not necessarily represent the views of the Lahaina News staff and owners.