Up Front Lahaina

Lahaina Intermediate School honored some 200 qualifiers for its second quarter Renaissance Partners in Living and Learning event on Jan. 28 at Airport Beach in Kaanapali. The “Games and Grinds” day featured a barbecue luncheon provided by Art Ortiz and Lahaina Outback Steakhouse and various fun-filled games organized by the LIS staff. By earning at least a 2.1 grade point average, displaying good citizenship and contributing at least four hours of community service during the quarter, the students enjoy the “Reward Day” and receive gift cards entitling them to discounts at various stores and restaurants across Maui. Lori Koyama cited fellow staff members Todd Hayase, Cindy Koyama, Daryl Munetake and Charmaine Ganer, as well as 17 parent chaperones and Ron Tolbert of 007 Productions, for their help in putting on the event. Photo by Walter Chihara.
… Valentine’s Day is fast approaching, and it’s the time of year for Lahaina Rotary’s “SWEETHEART AFFAIR” dance and auction to help raise funds for scholarships to students from local high schools. This is the West Side’s social event of the year — this year to be held at THE SHERATON MAUI (great locale!) on Feb. 11 from 6 to 10 p.m. For tickets and information, call Liz May at 669-5200. It’s always a sellout, so get your tickets now!…
… and last Monday’s Annual Town Meeting for LAHAINATOWN ACTION COMMITTEE at the Pioneer Inn Courtyard was a great success — large attendance, a great board was elected, Mayor ALAN ARAKAWA was the guest speaker and the food was ono. New president is GEORGE KUPULI PAOA, a true child of West Maui. All the old-timers will remember his father, the late entertainer GEORGE PAOA, and his mother, that inveterate golfer PUA, who now resides on Lanai. New blood, new president, new board — watch out Lahaina!…
… and across a couple of oceans, the revolution in EGYPT seems to grow daily, and the end doesn’t seem to be in sight. The worry is if HOSNI MUBARAK does step down, and he must, who will be in charge? Some of the alternatives are a little scary, and it looks like YEMEN and JORDAN are following right behind…
… and back home again, our County Council may have made a good decision to ban plastic bags, but from where I sit, it’s a pain in the neck. Trying to juggle those paper bags when you forget your own tote — which in my case is always. Can’t someone invent a biodegradable plastic bag with handles that the supermarkets can use, and we can use them when we get home?…
… more on the County Council — newly elected Councilman MIKE WHITE jumped into his new job with both feet and caught a sack full of flak — you hang in there, Mike…
… and if the MAUI VISITORS BUREAU gets additional funding, how about concentrating on working with the powers-that-be organizing the APEC Summit to bring some of the meetings to Maui? Maybe the hotel association could do its own thing and call for volunteers to work with them on it. Maybe a sponsor — how about it, Mayor Arakawa??…
… The Lahaina Hongwanji Mission Buddhist Women’s Association is holding a Mini-Rummage Sale this Saturday, Feb. 12, in the church Social Hall and garage area (551 Wainee St.) from 8 a.m. to noon. Besides rummage, there will be craft items, baked goods and other assorted food items for sale. Come and get your sushi, pickled mango, lilikoi chiffon pie and other onolicious kau kau!…
… and across the sea in little LANAI, the citizens are up in arms that the owners of the island are considering windmills to develop power to be shipped to Oahu. Wait a minute — what will the residents get out of it, except a blight on their scenic outlook and a few dead birds? Something doesn’t seem quite pono there!! If they’re smart, they’ll make a deal with the citizens — free electric and the use of their island!!!…
… and congratulations to LAHAINALUNA for winning their second straight MIL girls basketball crown — GO LUNAS…
Up Front Lahaina is a twice monthly feature. To protect his innocence, the writer chooses to remain anonymous. The views expressed in this column belong to the author, and do not necessarily represent the views of the Lahaina News staff and owners.