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Up Front Lahaina

By Staff | Nov 18, 2010

… Well, the holidays are upon us fast and furious — Thanksgiving around the corner, followed by preparation for Christmas. LAHAINATOWN ACTION COMMITTEE is preparing for the lighting of the Banyan Tree on Saturday, Dec. 4, at 6:30 p.m….

… LAC is again asking for donations to help fund the event plus purchase more lights. Rigging these lights is a huge undertaking, but the result is spectacular and sets our town apart when it comes to Yuletide decorations. Donations can be made at the Lahaina Visitors Center in the Old Lahaina Courthouse or mailed to LahainaTown Action Committee, 648 Wharf St., Lahaina, HI 96761…

… and speaking of Christmas, the very popular Olowalu Christmas Fair will be back again — only this year it will be held in Launiupoko at the side-by-side homes of BETSY TALON and SUSY STILLE, who are partnering with LAHAINA SUNRISE ROTARY and MAUI COFFEE ASSOCIATION. The event kicks off with a gala opening Nov. 18 from 5 to 9 p.m. and will run through Friday to Sunday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. How to get there? Turn mauka at Launiupoko Beach Park and follow the flags up the hill. This popular Christmas Fair has always been a must-visit, and Mauians are happy to see it back again…

… Lahaina News columnist Norm Bezane, author of “Voices of Maui: Natives and Newcomers,” will give an illustrated talk on “The Remarkable People of Lahaina and Maui” at 7 a.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 23, at the Rotary Club of Lahaina Sunrise meeting at the Pioneer Inn. At a book signing afterwards, Norm will add a personal message and signature to each book sold. Call club President Ann Neizman at 856-2362…

… and across the pond, the President’s trip seems to be making some positive waves and, of course, everyone is waiting to see what positive waves the new Congress will make. And Bin Laden and the Taliban have the world on its toes with terrorist threats right and left. And I wouldn’t plan a trip to Yemen any time soon, because getting there may be OK, but I wouldn’t lay any bets on getting back… safely that is…

… but back on our own turf, the Honoapiilani Highway widening project looks to be finishing up, and are we ever state-of-the-art! What with sound barriers, sidewalk, bike path, four lanes of traffic and great flowering shade trees down the middle — WOW! It’s a bit of a tight squeeze, but one thing it will do is slow down the traffic! But what a great entrance to Lahaina Town!!…

… the tourist bodies seem to be arriving in droves, but are they ever tightfisted! You can’t get their hands out of their pockets. While waiting for friends outside an upscale West Side hotel last week, I couldn’t believe all the guests arriving loaded with plastic bags filled with food, water and drinks. I understand these cheap hotel fares will end in December!…

… and the election is over and the mahalos are said — how about the non-winners taking down their signs? No credit to you with those tattered signs whipping around in the wind!! But congratulations to all the winners, and mahalo to the non-winners for throwing their hats in the ring…

Up Front Lahaina is a twice monthly feature. To protect his innocence, the writer chooses to remain anonymous. The views expressed in this column belong to the author, and do not necessarily represent the views of the Lahaina News staff and owners.