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Track your children’s progress at LIS online

By Staff | Nov 11, 2010

The 20th annual “Hula O Na Keiki,” Maui’s only children’s hula competition, is set for Nov. 12-14 at Kaanapali Beach Hotel. The contest is open to hula students from around the world. Children ages 5-17 may enter as soloists and as boy and girl pairs. The event will also feature arts and crafts from all islands, cultural and hula workshops and Hawaiian entertainment. For information, call 661-0011 or visit www.kbhmaui.com. Last year, Wade Ku‘umomimakamae Choda-Kowalski Jr. (above) of Halau Kekuaokala‘au‘ala‘iliahi earned the title of “Master Hula O Na Keiki.”

LAHAINA — Aloha, parents and guardians! We are currently heading toward mid-quarter — a period when teachers notify you if your child is earning less than a “C” grade in any one course.

For those of you who haven’t activated your edline.net account, please remember to do so. You don’t need to wait for a deficiency notice to be mailed to you. With edline.net, you are able to get a peek of your child’s progress at any time. Teachers’ e-mail addresses are posted for your convenience.

Communication opportunities are there for you. Remember, we need to surround our children, especially during these adolescent years. These years are very trying and can challenge your own mental health. We are here to help you. Let us.

As we head toward the holiday season, many families are taking vacations during school. Please remember that our teachers are not obligated to provide assignments for your child during his/her absence. There is no replacement for classroom instruction; therefore, your child will be expected to make up any missing assignments upon return to school. It is your child’s responsibility to ask his/her teachers for any assignments missed. Self-directed learner is one of our General Learner Outcomes (GLOs). If your child does not make up the work, it will affect his/her grade. Please be aware of this when planning vacations during the school year.

One way to be a part of your child’s life is through social activities they enjoy. Coming up on Friday, Nov. 12, the LIS PTSA will hold our annual fund-raiser, the Dance-A-Thon, at the Ritz-Carlton, Kapalua. This activity starts at 6 and ends at 9 p.m. One way of bonding with your child is sharing fun times with them together. What a great way to boogie down!

Research has shown that parent involvement helps your child to be successful in school. Don’t believe them when they say, “Don’t go. You’re going to embarrass me.” It’s a lie. They love it! I have witnessed the joy they feel. They can’t seem to wipe the smiles of their faces… and they watch YOU all night long. Wonder why? Come and find out. See you there! IMUA!