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Parents to receive messages from LIS through SchoolConnects

By Staff | Oct 28, 2010


LAHAINA — Whew! The first quarter is over. It’s as though we just got started in the new school year, and here we are. The quarter flew by for all of our new teachers at LIS, especially.

Professional development was in full force, so that our newest staff members were able to be on the same page as the rest of us. They received training in Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP) and in Tribes. The SIOP training helps our teachers to learn to deliver engaging instruction to all learners.

Although the targeted group is English Language Learners, ALL students are able to benefit from strong lessons that address the visual (learners who learn by seeing visual cues), auditory (learners who learn by listening and understanding), and kinesthetic (learners who learn by doing; hands-on) learning styles. Teachers are trained to address all types of learners with effective instructional strategies. Tribes is a program in which developing and understanding relationships are focused.

Each classroom has the Tribes Agreements posted: Mutual respect; Appreciation — No Put-Downs; Active Listening; and the Right to Pass.

LIS understands that the relationships between staff and students are crucial in order for us to promote excellence, leading to individual success. These two programs are practiced school-wide and have become part of the LIS culture. In addition to professional development, teachers have been meeting in Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) by departments to ensure that standards, curricula and pacing guides are aligned within and throughout all grade levels for smooth academic transition.

SchoolConnects, a new mass messaging service, is coming! Parents, if you haven’t already received informational letters yet, we will be sending these letters to you. A form will be included so you may prioritize how you receive school messages… via an e-mail address? Home phone? Cell phone? It will be your choice. As you know, we believe that good attendance is an important factor contributing to the academic success of our students. To keep you informed of your child’s class attendance in a timely manner, we will be using SchoolConnects to notify you whenever your child is marked absent from class. Other school announcements may be disseminated through SchoolConnects, too. We are hoping that this service will improve the quality of education for your child.

An ongoing concern of the Hawaii Department of Education, parents and members of our community is the performance and post-school outcomes of our students with disabilities. The DOE has retained the WestEd Center to conduct a comprehensive review of its delivery of special education and related services. WestEd may be contacting parents, community agencies, other state agencies and stakeholders to conduct group or individual interviews. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated. Please call me with any questions or concerns at 662-3965. I am happy to assist you.

Just a short, but very important, reminder to you all. Please continue to monitor your child’s Facebook, YouTube and MySpace activities. We continue to be involved with victims of cyberbullying. Many victims don’t know who to tell when they are confronted with harassing messages against them. They keep it to themselves. So far, we are very lucky to have caught those who could have been very damaging to the individual spirit. My fear is that we miss one… then what? Please, parents, let’s keep our children safe. Call us, involve us. We are here to support you and your children. IMUA!