Be smart when dropping off your children at Lahaina Intermediate

LAHAINA — September has arrived with a loud roar! As promised, I have the results of our Spring 2010 HSA scores. We made significant growth, as I mentioned last month.
In reading, our “All Students” result was 72 percent — an improvement of 12 points over 2009’s 60 percent proficiency. In math, our “All Students” result was 47 percent — an improvement of 15 points over 2009’s 32 percent proficiency.
Even with these improvements, we still didn’t meet the adequate yearly progress (AYP) because one subgroup, Special Education-Math, did not make sufficient growth. This subgroup improved 6 points over 2009’s proficiency rate — not quite enough to make safe harbor.
It was heartbreaking to have missed AYP. We were so, so close. Despite our disappointment, we are still very pleased with the overall improvement of our students. Our staff and students will continue to work toward the goal of AYP this year. This year, the HSA will be online. Students will be able to take it up to three times and take the best score.
During the first month of school, parents have been dropping off and picking up their children at the entrance of our parking lot instead of going through the parking lot. Please do not make a U-turn at the entrance of our school. It is so dangerous with the two exit lanes full of cars and buses. Your child is running across the entrance to get to your cars at the busiest time of the day. Some parents are dropping off their children on Lahainaluna Road on their way up to the high school. The students must then dodge heavy traffic going up and coming down the road as they cross over to the school. One parent entered our parking lot in the exit lane when there were a number of cars present.
Parents, convenience and saving time will not take the place of your child’s life. Please model safe practices when dropping off your children in the morning or picking them up in the afternoon. Thank you!
During the Fall Intersession, there are a number of activities in which your child may participate. In addition, Achieve3000 TeenBiz is accessible for all sixth-graders, as well as to all seventh and eighth grade ELL and SPED students. This reading program is web-based and available 24/7. Cognitive Tutoring is another web-based program for math that is also accessible 24/7. The seventh and eighth grade math teachers will be getting your child started in math class with user names and passwords. Math Whizz is available to to ELL and SPED students in all grade levels, offering practice in math skills. This math program is also available 24/7. MyAccess is a program for writing, also accessible 24/7.
Parents, did you receive your information, so you may monitor your child’s progress in classes? If you haven’t, or if you need assistance, please do not hesitate to call LIS and ask for Mr. Norton, our technology coordinator, at 662-3965. Electronic programs have been purchased by LIS to accommodate parents, so it is convenient for you to support your child. If you do not have a computer, you are welcome to use computers on campus. Please call the office to set up a date and time. LIS is here for you, too.
By the time this message reaches you, the annual Open House/PTSA General Meeting will already have taken place. We hope you participated and were able to meet your child’s teachers and tour the campus. We hope you enjoyed yourselves. We will continue to have more parent activities throughout the school year. We hope you will join us to support your children and be active in their lives. IMUA!