Up Front Lahaina

Patricia and Clifton Akiyama of the Lahainaluna High School Class of 1962 viewed their paver at “Fire Up Da Imu” at the school’s new Athletic Field on Aug. 14. Paver sales in the “Pathway of Champions” campaign support the Lahainaluna High School Foundation’s efforts to build a state-of-the-art stadium at LHS. For information, visit www.lahainalunahighschoolfoundation.com/. Photo by Art Fillazar.
… Well, the “Fire Up Da Imu” event was a huge success, and it seems the whole town turned out — ’cept me, in bed with a vicious flu bug that has been trying to lay the town low. The brand new field sparkled! We won the game, and donor angel SUE COOLEY was there and contributed another huge sum to her already superlative, generous support. Way to go, LUNAS!!…
… and thanks to LAHAINATOWN ACTION COMMITTEE for “flagging” Front Street in honor of our school, and for the volunteers who put them up and took them down…
… and then we have the egg story — I was shocked that all those “organic” eggs by leading brands all originate in the same huge factory in Iowa! Over 500 million eggs recalled! Makes us lucky to have THEO’s Neighborhood Farm eggs available from happy outdoor hens right here in LAUNIUPOKO. I can testify — they’re the best!!…
… and while we’re outdoors, what a great shame to lose that ag lot across from LAUNIUPOKO BEACH PARK that was destroyed by fire. All those banana and papaya trees gone. Any thoughts on how that fire started? It sure looks fishy!!…
… and over the pond, I read where Israel would purchase 20 Lockheed Martin jets — F-351 Joint Strike Fighters. Then I read on that the purchase will be funded by U.S. Military Aid to Israel. Now hold on a moment — seems to me Israel aint purchasing them. We are, and then we’re giving them to Israel. The story continued, “Analysts suggest that could help Israel strike Iran’s nuclear facility.” What we need on top of earthquakes, whole countries in flood and monumental forest fires is a strike on a nuclear facility? AUWE!!!…
… and speaking of floods, China’s massive three gorges dam was built to control the YANGTSE RIVER’s annual flooding with a 400-mile reservoir. Government officials boasted that the dam could withstand a 10,000-year flood. BUT, now they are saying the flood control capacity is not unlimited, so here we go again…
… but on a happier note, back to our lovely neck of the woods, the recent Circuit Judicial Conference held at the HYATT REGENCY MAUI was a huge success with Supreme Court Justice ANTHONY KENNEDY as special guest speaker. Those judges kept their noses to the grindstone — no touring around and playing games for them. But all in all, they enjoyed their four-day stay…
… and the political season is heating up with four weeks until the primary. We now have four council contenders with residency hurdles — oh well…
… and the governor’s race — that gets hotter and hotter. The latest mailing by one of the contenders was a scorcher and separated the men from the boys. University of Hawaii alumni are seething!!…
… and congratulations to Kula Hospital — more locally known as Kula San — for celebrating 100 years. I can speak from personal knowledge — I recuperated there from an accident — that the staff couldn’t be faulted, the food was excellent and the garden setting (surrounded by trees and flowers with a view to the south coast) is enough to get the sickest well in no time. May the next 100 years be as fruitful…
Up Front Lahaina is a twice monthly feature. To protect his innocence, the writer chooses to remain anonymous. The views expressed in this column belong to the author, and do not necessarily represent the views of the Lahaina News staff and owners.