Up Front Lahaina
… First order of the day is an accolade and gold medal to MAUI CHAMBER OF COMMERCE and President PAMELA TUMPAP for an excellent Fourth of July celebration — the best ever. The crowds were huge and appreciative — the “oohs” and “aahs” could be heard for miles. Now, next year, all you businesses who fared so well, including the “fund-raising” events, maybe in 2011 you’ll thank the chamber with a little better donation…
… and over at the WHARF CINEMA CENTER, they had their second annual July 4th Karaoke Contest geared to families. The contestants — adults and children — were fantastic. It’s about time Lahaina had its own “Lahaina Has Talent” contest. How about it, LahainaTown Action Committee?…
… was invited to attend Maui Academy of Performing Arts’ production of “South Pacific,” but a last minute glitch prevented me from going. I understand it was terrific under the stars at the Maui Tropical Plantation. The setting and sets were first-class, as well as the performances. Congratulations, MAPA!…
… and renovation of the OLD LAHAINA COURTHOUSE is moving along — looks to be on schedule. A peek through the door shows floors looking spectacular, as well as the staircase. LAHAINATOWN ACTION COMMITTEE and LAHAINA ARTS SOCIETY can’t wait to move back in…
… well, the latest high-tech supersonic jet fighter arrived in Honolulu — the first of 20. Hawaii will be the only National Guard in the country to have them, as Adjutant General Robert Lee remarked — a point to be noticed by friend and foe alike…
… and the oil spill — as I write, they are trying to put a new cap in place. What I wonder is how long will they have to monitor that cap — until all the oil is gone? And how long will that be?…
… and I read where flying cars are just around the corner — Heaven help us! We can’t manage the thousands on the roads — how will we manage them flying through the air? Airport traffic controllers have to be quaking in their shoes at the thought!!!…
… and the new location planned for the West Maui Hospital & Medical Center is perfect. I drove up there last week. It is just below the coffee fields, fantastic view, with roads in place and less hazards to overcome than the previous location. Now let’s get the shovels moving — presto!!!…
… and those coffee fields are spectacular — strong, healthy-looking trees. Not a weed in sight, and much of it is due, I understand, to the oversight of our own LANNY TIHADA. Our coffee is making a name for itself — and rightly so!…
… and I was sad to read of the death of former Chief Justice WILLIAM S. RICHARDSON. He was descended from Lahaina missionaries — the “S” stands for Shaw, for which Shaw Street is named. I first met him when I was asked to accompany him on a tour of Lahaina when he was running for lieutenant governor in 1962 — a post he would win and serve for four years. When we came to the Old Lahaina Courthouse, I took him upstairs to the old courtroom that had recently moved to Lahaina Civic Center. He was charmed — he stood there and said “this is perfect. This must always remain here just like this.” Well, it disappeared for a short spell, but the courtroom is back the way it was since the 1860s. So you may rest in peace, William. Your courtroom is here to stay…
Up Front Lahaina is a twice monthly feature. To protect his innocence, the writer chooses to remain anonymous. The views expressed in this column belong to the author, and do not necessarily represent the views of the Lahaina News staff and owners.