Up Front Lahaina
… Well, the federal contest is over and Charles Djou ran away with it — sort of. But he’s Honolulu’s man in Congress at least for the next six months. Congratulations Rep. Djou!…
… and across the pond, another conservative surprise with the election of two 42-year-old whipper snappers to run Great Britain. As JOHN BRUNOLD says, “The old goats have screwed it up, so let the young-uns have a crack at it.” …
… and the oil spill is still oozing out while BP continues to flap its wings trying to come up with a solution. Of course, there are the nay-sayers who ask, “Why doesn’t the government do something?” Well, the government is not into running the nuts and bolts of the oil industry, and it has to rely on the professionals who should know (but obviously don’t). But government officials are learning more every day — and what they see they don’t like — so watch for a change!…
… but meanwhile, back at the ranch, the hats are still flying into the ring for the local political races — particularly the county races…
… one news item that got my attention: the Department of Parks & Recreation announced that the county’s public pools will be closed on all holidays. What is that all about? So the kids on a school holiday can’t use the pools? Why, when it comes to budget cutting, do they hit the kids? Shame on the county!…
… and last week our kupuna had their twice per year special luncheon event — Christmas and midyear — when they honored those seniors who celebrated 80 years young. It was a brunch at the KAANAPALI BEACH HOTEL — a great program headed by MAY FUJIWARA. There was a little something for everyone…
… and the Hale Makua fund-raiser at PINEAPPLE GRILL on Mother’s Day weekend was again a huge success. The food was ono thanks to Chef RYAN LUCKEY, and congratulations to organizers BETTY & ROY SAKAMOTO and MITCH MITCHELL…
… LAHAINATOWN ACTION COMMITTEE and LAHAINA ARTS SOCIETY face upheaval as they prepare to vacate for the makeover of the OLD LAHAINA COURTHOUSE by NOAA. They will be out for most of June and part of July. Mahalo nui loa to Board Member MAC LOWSON of LOWSON & ASSOCIATES for offering temporary operating and storage locations to LAC for the Visitor Center and LAC offices. LAS will use the basement jail as a temporary home for their art gallery…
… change is everywhere, and my favorite PBS TV programs have disappeared — particularly Friday night’s lineup. So I’ve been forced to change to other channels, but the ads drive me mad — 80 percent are for prescription drugs; the possible side effects of which have to be worse than the disease. And they caution that you talk to your doctor at around $65 a “talk” — it has to line the doctors’ pockets, in addition to driving your doctor mad — AUWE!!!…
… and LAHAINA RESTORATION FOUNDATION’S Progressive Dinner is this Friday and Saturday through Lahaina Town at the museums and historic landmarks — last year’s event was superb…
… and Lahaina lost one of its “legends in his own time,” JERRY MacDONALD. The stories of Jerry’s antics in his earlier Lahaina days are still being told — funny man! Aloha oi, dear Jerry. Now you’ll find out that “Catcher in the Rye” was not Salenger’s first book!!!”
Up Front Lahaina is a twice monthly feature. To protect his innocence, the writer chooses to remain anonymous. The views expressed in this column belong to the author, and do not necessarily represent the views of the Lahaina News staff and owners.