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A memorable meeting with the ‘bubble kids’

By Staff | Apr 8, 2010


LAHAINA — Aloha, everyone! It’s May! Just kidding… it’s April. HSA testing began on March 29. We had quite a few “bubble kids” as a result of the HSA-2009 results.

What are “bubble kids?” They are those students who were approaching proficiency. To “meet proficiency,” one would need  a score of 300 or more. The “approaching proficiency” range includes scores of 299 to approximately 286. It varies between grade levels. It also varies between Reading and Math. Anything below is considered “well  below.”

Each item on the HSA, whether it is for Reading or for Math, may have a different weight. Depending on the complexity of the item, an item could be worth five points, some are worth three points and so on. So, one could be “approaching proficiency” because they missed one item, or three items… whatever the case may be. So, so close. 

To ensure that our “bubble kids” understood just how close they were, the grade level school counselors met with them to encourage them to give it their all to get over the proficiency level.  Many times, the errors are caused by carelessness. We encouraged our students to go over their answers if they finish early to be sure that their answers are accurate.

Many of our students didn’t realize how close they were. I, personally, called in the eighth-graders, as did Mr. Petrakis, our vice-principal. They came in slowly. They didn’t sit. Some of them asked, “Am I in trouble?” They were so cute. I explained to them that it isn’t always a bad thing when you are called to the Principal’s Office. Before they left my office, they promised to do their best on the HSA.

As they left, they weren’t sure whether or not to smile. Parents, I want to share with you that each student who came to my office said “thank you” before they left. It may have been a shocking experience for them, but I want you to know that it was a totally awesome experience for me.

Please look out for summer activities for your children. Flyers are beginning to circulate. The University of Hawaii Maui College, formerly MCC, has exciting activities lined up for their summer program, “College for Kids.” There will be more information coming out as we receive it. 

In the meantime, please continue to monitor your child via edline.net. Continue your child’s education through TeenBiz, Math Whizz, and MyAccess. Practice, practice, practice. Let’s continue to surround our children with enriching activities. Remember, we are in the final quarter of this school year. If you have any questions or concerns, call us at 662-3965. IMUA!