Up Front Lahaina
… Well, the Olympics came and went, beginning with a rocky start but ending in a blaze of glory. There were enough gold medals to go around. Congratulations, Canada — you pulled it off big time!…
… and then there was the tsunami that wasn’t — everybody (or most everybody) did what they were supposed to do without any fiasco. Kaanapali hotels are to be congratulated for the handling of the guests, getting them out of harm’s way. The guests were effusive in their praise days later. And it happened when most properties were running at 95 percent occupancy. A tip of the hat goes to Carol Reimann of the Maui Hotel and Lodging Association, who kept everybody informed on a minute-by-minute basis (not an hour after like some agencies). We dodged the bullet this time, but we got to give our feet a workout…
… and what a sight with all the fishing boats and yachts well out in the ocean away from the shoreline — it looked like a regatta. And the Channel 9 weatherman was in his glory — oohing and aahing with every little change in the wave action (which wasn’t much). He should have parked himself at Kahului — at least we had a three-footer!…
… then last weekend, the SACRED HEARTS BAZAAR was packed — a far cry from the plants and cookies 35 years ago. A few stalwarts — Sister Claudia, Joe Pueschel, Tony Vierra, Joan McKelvey and Janie Rietow, took a leaf out of the successful St. Joseph’s Bazaar in Makawao and, nays sayers not withstanding, cleared $5,000 with the first bazaar and never looked back. The highlights back then were Kimo Harlacher’s horseback rides and Tony’s plant sales. Congratulations to all the volunteers and participants — you did good!…
… and over the pond, did you watch the program on the progress of the Sept. 11 Memorial? Ten years have passed and it’s still a hole in the ground. Ah well — pretty soon it will catch up to our bypass…
… and this weekend, March 13-14, the annual OCEAN ARTS FESTIVAL will be held under the Banyan Tree. Sponsored by LAHAINATOWN ACTION COMMITTEE, this popular festival features ocean-related displays and events for keiki and adults, along with crafters and great music. See you there!!…
… business is picking up a little bit, but it’s still pretty much nickels and dimes. The art galleries are feeling the pinch, and a travel through the galleries in Lahaina is worth the trek. We have to have more beautifully appointed galleries than any small town in the country, and the quality and beauty of the work displayed is exceptional!…
… and our shipwreck off the Lahaina Seawall is still in place. Come on you wimps — you know who you are!! Get with it!!…
Up Front Lahaina is a twice monthly feature. To protect his innocence, the writer chooses to remain anonymous. The views expressed in this column belong to the author, and do not necessarily represent the views of the Lahaina News staff and owners.