Use to monitor your child’s progress
LAHAINA — Fall Inter-session is upon us, and first quarter is over.
We have been transferring our Lahaina Intermediate School Website information to, so that parents are able to receive important information regarding our school. The most recent documents were two letters from Patricia Hamamoto, state school superintendent. The first letter informs parents/guardians about the 17 furlough days when school will not be in session. This essentially shortens the instructional days further, and teachers will need to compact their curricula in order to cover important standards benchmarks in all content areas. The second document is for all bus riders who will be receiving refunds for overpayments, if you paid for your child’s bus pass for the entire semester or school year.
To give you a heads-up, furlough days will begin in October. They will occur on Fridays only. October’s furlough days are the 23rd and the 30th. You have time to make alternate plans for supervision of your children during the additional days school will not in session.
Parents are loving Feedback has been very positive. They are able to access their child’s grades and missing assignments. More parents need to use this service. At mid-quarter, a large number of deficiency notices were mailed home indicating that students were performing below a “C.” By accessing, parents, you are able to have a discussion with your child early on and help him/her to complete all missing assignments in a timely manner. Please do not wait to see a low or failing grade on your child’s report card. If you have lost your User Name and/or ID Number, please do not hesitate to call LIS for support. Our number is 662-3965.
Finally, our eighth grade career field trip to the hotels was an astounding success. Upon return to school, students were assigned to write an essay describing their experiences at the hotel they visited. Students’ essays are currently being rated. Prizes for winning essays are being furnished by each hotel. Presentations for the top three essays per hotel will be announced at a later date. Hotel representatives, students and parents will participate in the culmination celebration of this first-time event. Again, thank you to all who coordinated this community-based learning experience for the eighth-graders of LIS! IMUA!