Up Front Lahaina

LahainaTown Action Committee and Lahaina Arts Society held their 21st annual Poster Contest to pick the winner of the official Lahaina Poster for 2010. The winner is “Got Surf Lahaina” (above), an oil painting by Carlton Kinkade that also won the Lahaina Arts Society prize. Other honorees are Greg Guzman, Most Promising, for “Swimming Free;” Ronaldo Macedo, People’s Choice, for “Cruising Front Street;” Karen Camara, Honorable Mention, for “Lahaina Harbor Morning;” and Anthony Carnabucci, Honorable Mention, for “Lahaina Harbor.”
… One of the first events planned by LAHAINATOWN ACTION COMMITTEE back in 1989 was the Annual LAHAINA POSTER CONTEST organized by JOAN McKELVEY with the help of JIM KILLETT. This year, CARLTON KINKADE was the unanimous winner by both LAC and co-coordinator LAHAINA ARTS SOCIETY. All the winners were unanimous, but when the judges got down to the Honorable Mention, they couldn’t make a decision, so judge GEORGE ALLAN pronounced, “Let’s make another prize and we’ll call it the Joan McKelvey Award.” And before McKelvey could blink an eye, it was approved and she will provide the prize money — got to be quick in these parts…
… the winning artwork will be the official poster for Lahaina 2010 and available for sale across the island. Each poster will be signed by the artist, and there will be special signings by Kinkade at galleries to be announced. The work of all 18 finalists will be on display (and for sale) at Lahaina Arts Society for the coming week…
… and continuing the art scene, this Friday will be “FRIDAY NIGHT IS ART NIGHT,” with most of the Lahaina galleries and restaurants participating. There will be roving musicians, and LAC hopes that this very successful event in years past will return on a permanent schedule. So come on down Friday evening and enjoy the festivities and the great art this town has to offer…
… thinking about the successful “Plantation Days” event, can we find somebody who will take on the task of recording the stories from the oldies before we lose them — that is, the oldies and the stories. I sat near Auntie EDNA FARDEN BEKEART while she reminisced about the old days the other evening and thought, “We’ve got to capture these stories.” Perhaps LAC could put together a “Talk Story Under the Banyan Tree” event…
… which brings me to a not so oldie with a thousand stories — Lahaina boy BUTCH SOARES, who was born in the old plantation hospital and lived all his life in Lahaina. He is finally retiring after 43 years in the visitor industry, starting at the Sheraton Maui, the last ten years with Aston, and retiring as general manager of the AOAO at Aston Kaanapali Shores. When asked what he will do with his time now, Butch replied, “I can spend some time with my grandson, and, well, there’s golf, and then more golf, and then maybe some more golf!”…
… the LAHAINALUNA HIGH SCHOOL FOUNDATION is selling Wiki Car Wash & Lube tickets for $8 each, valid until Aug. 28. The foundation will receive $3 from each ticket sold to benefit the stadium project, “Redo the IMU!” Wiki Car Wash & Lube at 1203 Keawe St. in Lahaina supported the stadium project in the past by designating LHSF the beneficiary of the proceeds from its Grand Opening Celebration in February. To obtain tickets, contact Jeff Rogers at 214-2839 or lhsf08@yahoo.com…
… and over the western pond, the visit by PRESIDENT BILL CLINTON to North Korea and the release of the two journalists was a coup. The picture of tall, robust, white haired Clinton sitting upright beside the diminutive KIM JONG IL said it all…
… and about the boat wreck near LAHAINA HARBOR, without spending a fortune, why don’t they saw off the mast, leave the wreck and reef growing around it intact and put a hazard light on it? End of story!!…
Up Front Lahaina is a twice monthly feature. To protect his innocence, the writer chooses to remain anonymous. The views expressed in this column belong to the author, and do not necessarily represent the views of the Lahaina News staff and owners.