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Up Front Lahaina

By Staff | Jun 4, 2009

… LAHAINA RESTORATION FOUNDATION’S Progressive Dinner through Lahaina’s historic sites was a huge success! Sitting at the dining table in the Baldwin Home gave a chicken skin feeling — we were the first people to have that privilege in over 100 years! The event started in the lovely courtyard of the 110-year-old PIONEER INN, then moved to the early 1800s Baldwin House, then to Hale Aloha and finished with dessert at the Old Prison. The food was great and the ambiance couldn’t be beat…

… and over the big pond to the west, the brazen nuclear experiments of NORTH KOREA jolted us upright, causing the reporters, columnists and analysts to jump in with their doomsday scenarios. But the calm response from U.S. Secretary of Defense Gates — who tempered down the tough rhetoric flying from PYONYANG and the rest of the world — was a welcome note…

… and over the other pond, the nomination of SONIA SOTOMAYOR to the U.S. Supreme Court is causing a flurry, with fuzzy heads bent trying to figure out how to stop her. My nickel says it can’t be done…

… and back at home base, the new “CIRQUE POLYNESIA” at the HYATT REGENCY MAUI promises to be a winner. Many, many years ago, I saw the WALLENDERS perform in a circus in Europe — they were breathtaking, and I’m sure their descendants, who are included in the Hyatt show, live up to the Wallender tradition, as do their fellow performers…

… and in the political arena, Congressman NEIL ABERCROMBIE was on Maui this past weekend with fund-raisers, including two in South Maui — one by Rotary and the other at the home of SHEP GORDON. Local politicos in attendance included Sen. ROZ BAKER, Representatives ANGUS McKELVEY and MELE CARROLL, and KEITH AGARAN…

… Rep. Abercrombie gave a rousing speech to huge applause. One thing he has going for him is that he is not seeking the governorship as a stepping stone up, but comes to the table with 20 years’ experience at the top under his belt…

… and on the local front, West Sider ELLE COCHRAN has announced she will run for JO ANNE JOHNSON’S seat on the County Council — Jo Anne will have met her term limit. BRUCE ERFER is putting a toe out there in the water, and I understand EVE CLUTE has her hat ready to pitch in the ring…

… and LAHAINATOWN ACTION COMMITTEE will umbrella the Kamehameha Day Parade this year, which will be headed by DARYL FUJIWARA. Applications to participate in the parade may be made by going online to visitlahaina.com and filling out the form. For further information, call Daryl at 264-8779…

… and Lahaina lost a longtime friend with the sad death of KATHY HARTMAN, whose smiling face graced the counter of WHALERS LOCKER for so many years. We will miss you, Kathy. Aloha ‘oe…

Up Front Lahaina is a twice monthly feature. To protect his innocence, the writer chooses to remain anonymous. The views expressed in this column belong to the author, and do not necessarily represent the views of the Lahaina News staff and owners.