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Bissen gives talk at Ka Ipu Kukui Fellows’ annual Maui Governance Hālāwai

By Staff | Mar 22, 2024

County of Maui photo

Mayor Richard Bissen shared insights on local government as service to community during Ka Ipu Kukui Fellows’ annual Maui Governance Hālāwai at the J. Walter Cameron Center Auditorium in Kahului earlier this month.

Mayor Bissen discussed his decision-making process as well as the County of Maui’s goals, challenges and successes.

The fellows engaged in a question-and-answer session, and several other county department directors spoke throughout the day on county services.

Ka Ipu Kukui Fellows is a nonprofit, community-based program created to identify and develop young leaders in Maui County. For information, visit https://kaipukukuifellows.org.