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West Maui Rotary Clubs to Host Wildfires Recovery Workshop

By Staff | Feb 19, 2024

View the event flyer

Lahaina – West Maui community leaders and residents are invited to participate in a Maui Wildfires Recovery Workshop on Saturday, February 24. The workshop will be held at Aston Paki Maui Resort, 3615 Lower Honoapiilani Road in Honokowai from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

The workshop will be hosted by the three West Maui Rotary clubs – Lahaina Sunrise, Lahaina, and Lahaina Sunset. Participants will work in small groups to recommend and prioritize recovery projects to be funded by Rotary.

“Generous donors around the world have contributed over $3 million to Rotary’s Maui Wildfires Relief Fund,” said Mariko Higashi, President of the Rotary Club of Lahaina Sunset. “We’ve already distributed more than $600,000 of this fund to those affected by the August wildfires. We are inviting the West Maui community to help us identify projects to utilize the remaining $2.5 million. Funds are available and great ideas are needed,” said Higashi.

Participants will work in small groups to identify and prioritize mid-term projects (6-12 months) and long-term projects (12-24 months). The workshop will focus on projects in 10 areas: housing, education, aina/environment, culture, history, recreation, memorial, homeless, green infrastructure, and business. Attendees will choose two of the 10 areas in which to participate during the workshop.

The workshop will be held in the Alii Conference Room. There is no cost to attend and a light continental breakfast will be provided. Space is limited to the first 50 West Maui community leaders and residents who submit their RSVP via email to Rotary Club of Lahaina Sunset Secretary Joanne Laird at mamalrd01@gmail.com.