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Lahaina residents keep current Red Cross hotel lodging through holidays

By Staff | Dec 14, 2023

KAHULUI — Residents previously scheduled to relocate to new American Red Cross non-congregate shelter (NCS) locations between Dec. 15 and 18 have been extended in their current hotel sheltering locations until after the holidays.

The agency appreciates its hotel partners for helping to make this possible.

The Red Cross continues to advocate for residents when negotiating hotel contract deadline extensions.

“With cooperation between our partners, survivors, Red Cross teams and the community, we are working hard to ensure the least amount of disruption to people’s lives as possible. We will continue to work to ensure stability, security, and a peaceful holiday season for everyone in our NCS care,” the American Red Cross of Hawaii noted.

“The Red Cross will proactively communicate all changes and expectations with residents as move dates approach in an effort to prepare and empower households as they continue through the recovery process.”

The Red Cross is a nonprofit humanitarian organization that provides assistance to meet the immediate emergency needs of those affected by disasters. All Red Cross assistance to disaster victims is free.

The Red Cross is not a government agency; it depends on public contributions to help others. Donations supports the lifesaving mission of the American Red Cross in your community, across the country and around the world.

To send a contribution, mail your check to American Red Cross of Hawaii, 4155 Diamond Head Road, Honolulu, HI 96816, make a secure online donation at redcross.org/hawaii or call (808) 739-8109.