Mayor announces talk story sessions with Lahaina and Kula residents directly impacted by the August fires

Mayor Richard Bissen speaks with West Maui County Councilwoman Tamara Paltin at a recent council meeting. PHOTO BY THE COUNTY OF MAUI.
WAILUKU — Maui County Mayor Richard Bissen will host a series of talk story sessions for residents of Kula and Lahaina who have been impacted by the Aug. 8 fires.
Sessions will be held for small groups to offer time for participants to share mana’o and ask questions.
“I’m looking forward to meeting with residents in a more informal setting,” Bissen said. “Our weekly community meetings in Kula and Lahaina give regular updates on our re-entry and debris removal progress and offer a chance to speak with residents after the updates are given. By adding these sessions, we’ll be able to offer one more way to help those who want a smaller group setting to talk story and ask questions.”
To attend one of the scheduled sessions, residents can register online at or call (808) 270-7855 and ask for assistance with registering for a Talk Story session.