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County opening access to new Disaster Area zones

By Staff | Nov 24, 2023

WAILUKU — County of Maui Disaster Area Restrictions will be lifted for owners and residents with vehicle passes from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. beginning Monday, Nov. 27, and Tuesday, Nov. 28, in Zones 11C and 12B.

Zone 11C includes Luakini St., Prison St. and Waianae Place.

Zone 12B includes Luakini, Prison, Shaw and Wainee Streets.

ACCESS: A re-entry vehicle pass will be required at the checkpoint during the first two days of supported residential re-entry. Two vehicle passes will be available per property owner, and two vehicle passes will be available per rental dwelling. After the first two days of supported re-entry, access through the checkpoint will be available from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. daily for area residents with a vehicle pass or ID.

TRANSPORTATION: MauiBus transportation to and from hotel shelters on Maui Bus circulator shuttles will have extended hours on the first two days of supported residential re-entry from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m.

RE-ENTRY VEHICLE PASS DISTRIBUTION: Vehicle pass applications and onsite distribution for Zones 11C and 12B will be held from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 24, and Saturday, Nov. 25, at two locations: Lahaina Civic Center and the County of Maui Kalana O Maui Building lobby area. Kako’o Maui, located at Maui Mall near Subway, will be available for vehicle passes on Saturday, but please note that this location will be closed on Friday. See below for more vehicle pass details. Optional Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) kits and instructions for usage will be available from non-profits during vehicle pass distribution.

ROADWAYS: All roadways to access zones will be clear for residents and property owners. During the first two days of supported re-entry, access to the areas of Zones 11C and 12B will be from Hokiokio Place; turn right onto Honoapiilani Highway and take a left onto Prison Street. All vehicles will exit at Hokiokio Place. After Tuesday, entry through the checkpoint will be available from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. daily for area residents with a vehicle pass or ID.

WATER: The County of Maui Department of Water Supply Unsafe Water Advisory remains in effect in these residential zones. To view the water advisory, visit https://www.mauicounty.gov/water.

SAFETY AND ADVISORIES: Once a fire has burned through an area, many dangers may remain. It is important to be aware of the hazards and to know what to look for when re-entering. For full safety details, visit www.mauirecovers.org. For air quality information, visit https://health.hawaii.gov/mauiwildfires/.

SUPPORT: A high level of support will be provided to returning residents during the first two days of re-entry into fire-damaged areas, including water, shade, washing stations, portable toilets, medical and mental health care, MauiBus transportation from local hotel shelters and language assistance. Transportation to and from hotel shelters on Maui Bus circulator shuttles will have extended hours on the first two days of supported residential re-entry from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.

VEHICLE PASS DETAILS: The following documents may be used to verify property ownership or occupancy to receive a re-entry vehicle pass:

– Property Deed or Title: A property deed or title in your name is one of the most direct ways to demonstrate ownership. This document should clearly show your name as the property owner.

– Utility Bills: Utility bills such as electricity, water, or gas bills that are addressed to your name at the property address can serve as proof of residency. These bills should be recent and show consistent usage.

– Property Tax Records: Property tax records from the county’s Real Property Tax office that list you as the property owner are strong evidence of ownership; visit: www.mauipropertytax.com.

– Lease Agreement: If you have been renting, a lease agreement with your name, the landlord’s name, and the property address can establish your residency.

– Hawai’i Driver’s License: A valid Hawai’i driver’s license with your current address is a widely accepted proof of residency.

– Vehicle Registration: If your vehicle is registered at the property address, it can indicate your residency.

– Voter Registration: A voter registration card listing your address in Lahaina can be used to confirm your residency.

– Financial Statements: Financial statements sent to your Lahaina address can help establish residency, especially if they cover an extended period.

– Insurance Documents: Homeowner’s or renter’s insurance policies with your Lahaina address can be used as proof of residency.

– Notarized Affidavit: In some cases, a notarized affidavit from a property owner or landlord confirming your residency or ownership may be accepted.

DETAILS: For details on re-entry to impacted areas; safety information for returning to your property; drinking water and wastewater; maps and data; fire debris removal; recovery phases; financial and housing assistance; and business support, visit www.mauirecovers.org. For information on resources available, medical and mental health care, financial assistance, housing, jobs and how to donate or volunteer, visit www.mauinuistrong.info.