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House Interim Jobs and Business Working Group meeting today

By Staff | Nov 21, 2023

The working group is chaired by Representatives Daniel Holt (pictured) and Andrew Takuya Garrett.

HONOLULU — On Tuesday, Nov. 21, at 2 p.m., the House Interim Jobs and Business Working Group will meet to take public input on its draft report.

Pursuant to House Rule 17 and House Resolution 224 (2023), Speaker Scott K. Saiki established interim House working groups charged with evaluating specific topics related to the Lahaina wildfire and making recommendations for appropriate legislative action.

The purpose of the Jobs & Business Working Group is to evaluate the Maui unemployment rate and the approaches to restart business activity as well as the impacts to tourism statewide, and to prepare recommendations for appropriate legislative action.

Chaired by Representatives Daniel Holt and Andrew Takuya Garrett, the panel is comprised of Representatives Terez Amato, Trish La Chica, Rachele F. Lamosao, Scot Z. Matayoshi, Representative Dee Morikawa, Nadine K. Nakamura, Mark M. Nakashima, Sean Quinlan and Gene Ward.

The working group will meet via video conference and in person in Conference Room 329 at the Hawaiʻi State Capitol.

Go to https://www.capitol.hawaii.gov/sessions/session2023/hearingnotices/HEARING_JBUWG_11-21-23_INFO_.HTM to review the meeting agenda and register to provide testimony.

The meeting will be live-streamed on the House of Representatives’ YouTube Channel.

The public is invited to participate in the meetings in-person or virtually. Those who may have limited access to the internet or internet-connected devices may utilize free public Wi-Fi and computers at each of the state’s public libraries and the bookmobile during operating hours. Contact your local state public library for details.