Maui County Democrats seek nominees for House vacancy

The Maui County Democratic Party will accept applications for nominees to fill the vacancy of State House Rep. Troy N. Hashimoto.
Starting Wednesday, the Maui County Democratic Party will be accepting applications for nominees to fill the vacancy of State House Rep. Troy N. Hashimoto.
Last Thursday, the representative was appointed by Gov. Josh Green, M.D. to fill the Senate District 5 vacancy created by outgoing State Senator Gilbert S.C. Keith-Agaran, who resigned on Oct. 31, 2023.
This appointment resulted in a seat vacancy for House District 10. The district comprises the Central Maui communities of Paukukalo, Wailuku, Wailuku Heights, Waikapu, Hyashi Village and a portion of Waiehu.
Per HRS 17-3, Governor Green has 60 calendar days from the date of the vacancy to make an appointment and fill the seat. The selected appointee will serve for the remainder of Representative Hashimoto’s unexpired term.
District 10 Chair Michael “Mikey” Victorino Jr. of the Maui County Democrats will convene members of the vacancy selection committee at 10 a.m. on Saturday, Dec. 2, 2023. The committee will interview applicants and select the names of three candidates to submit to Green for his review and consideration.
Those interested in applying should go to to download required application forms and instructions. Additionally, to assist in tracking the number of anticipated candidates, e-mail to inform the selection body on your intent to apply.
Applications will be accepted digitally beginning Wednesday, Nov. 15, through Tuesday, Nov. 28, at The digital application portal will close 4 p.m. on Nov. 28.
Those interested but unable to apply digitally can send their application via U.S. mail; it must be received no later than 4 p.m. on Nov. 28, 2023 or dropped off in-person at House District 10 Selection Committee c/o ILWU Local Hall, Maui Division, 896 Lower Main St., Wailuku, HI 96793.
Late applications will not be accepted.
For more information about the vacancy selection process for House District 10 and required application documents, contact Jared Sam Agtunong, Maui County chair for the Democratic Party of Hawaii, at